MMW L03 - The Nature's Way


To reveal the Divine method of healing.


(a) “If there is one way better than another it is the way of Nature “Aristotle (over 2000years ago)

(b) Naturopathy means “nature’s path”.

(c) “Nature heals, the physician is only Nature’s assistant” Hippocrates (460-377 BC).

1. The Importance of Natural Remedies

(a) “When in faith the human agent does all he can to combat disease, using the simple methods of treatment that God has provided, his efforts will be blessed of God. –“ CD 25.

(b) “Every person should have knowledge of nature’s remedial agencies and how to apply them. Health does not depend on chance. It is the result of obedience to law”. MH 127-128.

(c) “Through the agencies of nature, God is working day by day hour by hour, moment by moment, to keep us alive, to build up and restore us…nature’s agencies are set at work to restore…the power working through these agencies is the power of God. All life-giving power is from Him”. – CH 168.

(d) “Nature’s process of healing and upbuilding is gradual, and to the impatient it seems slow… “. MH 127

(e) “Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness (fasting), rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in Divine

power-these are the true remedies”. (MH127).

(f) “Christ never planted the seeds of death in the system. Satan planted these seeds when he tempted Adam to eat of the tree of knowledge which meant disobedience to God. Not one noxious plant was placed in the Lord’s great garden, but after Adam and Eve sinned, poisonous herbs sprang up….Every noxious herb is of his sowing, and by his ingenious methods of amalgamation (i.e. genetic modification), he has corrupted the earth with tares….Then shall physicians continue to resort to drugs, which leave a deadly evil in the system, destroying that life which Christ came to restore? Christ’s remedies cleanse the system. But Satan has tempered man to introduce into the system that which weakens the human machinery, clogging and destroying the fine, beautiful arrangements of God. The drugs administered to the sick do not restore, but destroy. Drugs never cure. Instead they place in the system seeds which bear a very bitter harvest” – 2SM 288 -289.

2. Advantages of Natural remedies

(a) They are safe, accepted by the body’s bio-chemistry.

(b) They “restore” instead of the questionable “cure”

(c) They don’t leave negative conditions in the body.

(d) Germs don’t build immunity against them - microbes continue to be clobbered.

(e) They are of Divine origin, therefore have the blessing and guidance of God: “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed. To you it shall be for meat” (i.e. food). “He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herbs for the service of man…The trees of the Lord are full of sap” (i.e. the medicinal liquids in them) Psalms 104:14, 16 

(f) “God has caused to grow out of the ground Herbs for the use of man, and if we understand the nature of these roots and herbs, and make the right use of them, there would not be a necessity of running for the doctor so frequently, and people would be in much better health than they are today” – MM231.

The Entering Wedge Pages 13 - 22


Since the well-being of the body is even more accurately taught by Mother Nature herself, no one who wishes to enjoy life dares overlook her counsel. Plants never do well in soil that is deficient, or depleted of its life giving properties. Some plants do better in one soil or climate than do others. Some thrive in higher altitudes and others in lower. The same law seems to operate in mankind: The darker races fare better in the torrid regions, and the lighter in the frigid regions.

While plant life subsists on inorganic matter, animal life subsists on organic. Moreover, as plant life was created before animal life, the truth is that the plant kingdom can get along without the animal, but that the animal kingdom cannot get along without the plant. Thus it is that vegetation needs only Mother Earth, but man needs both the earth and plant. In other words, plant life is dependent on the soil for existence, while animal life is dependent on vegetation. Flesh diet is therefore, artificial, and thus deficient -- incapable of maintaining life.

So, just as plants cannot thrive on poor soil, men cannot thrive on poor diet. And if one is aware of the fact that almost immediately after the soil is enriched, the plant awakens with health and vigor, then he will have no difficulty realizing that as soon as he corrects his own diet, his health will likewise spring up. Is it not true, then, that one's health depends on the food he uses as does the plant's on the soil in which it feeds?

If the sufferer's faulty diet is the cause of his ailment, and in most cases in our day it is, then no kind or amount of drug can cure him. Yet when something goes wrong with one's organism, he generally runs to a doctor, not to find and to remove the cause, but to be cured, while the cause remains and while it brings him closer and closer to the grave! And if he is not given drugs, he dislikes the doctor! Why not check up on your daily diet and habits of living? Why take drugs when you need to take water, fresh air, sunshine, the right kinds of food; to exercise; or perhaps to clean up your home, your body, and your surroundings? Let it be now understood that anyone living on a poor diet, or in unpleasant surroundings and unsanitary conditions, is subject to disease in one form or another, just as is a plant that is planted in poor soil and unconducive surroundings. Then, too, one must remember that unbalanced food, regardless of quality or quantity, is poor food; and as too much fertilizer kills the plant, so too much food kills the man. Too much of anything is as bad as is too little. Illness, therefore, is only a warning of one's improper habits of living. But, alas, who can understand? And who is taking heed!

What else can the cause of diseases that are not hereditary or communicative, be but wrong living -- malnutrition, "unclean" flesh food (Lev. 11), overeating, poor elimination, insufficient exercise, lack of sunshine and fresh air, living in filth, neglecting to drink enough water between meals, or perhaps smoking or chewing tobacco, habitually using coffee, tea, or some other stimulant that whips up the body to the last ounce of energy? To be sure, such diseases as cancer are the result of wrong living. If such is not the cause of the sufferer's illness, then the last and final cause, as referred to before, is sin against the Decalogue.

Nature teaches that if a tree becomes sickly from within rather than from without then to spray it with any kind of drug will only hasten its death, waste the drug, the time, and one's energy. The human body is no exception. If the disease is from internal cause, then what good will it do to try to remove it by the use of drugs? In such a case drugs will not remove the cause but rather do greater harm and hasten the end.

If it is not possible to keep a water-cooled engine from overheating when the radiator is empty, and if nothing but to fill the radiator with water will cure the trouble, then why should it be possible to cure a diseased body without curing the cause? Stop and think.

True, many do suffer from hereditary and contagious diseases, but most persons suffer from diseases caused by erroneous habits of living. Alcoholic beverages and other stimulants, rich pastries, commercial sweets, overeating, wrong combinations, and too many grain products, any one or all of these collectively have more or less afflicted every human being of this age with one ailment or another.

Constipation is one of the commonest diseases that one brings upon himself by erroneous eating. And constipation in itself is a cause of a number of diseases, as is malassimilation. Man is not naturally subject to constipation, -- no, not any more than is a water main subject to plugging up if nothing but water is put through it, the only thing the manufacturer ever intended that should be put through it.

That commercially prepared foods, too, are among the many causes of constipation, a faculty member of a certain health institute writes: "Because of our civilized foods and the way they fill the bowel with toxic material and gas, it is absolutely necessary to give oneself a series of colonic irrigations at least twice a year in order to stay well. Headaches, colds, flu, intestinal pains, mucous, gas, and many disturbing disorders disappear after one or two colon treatments."

We should not overlook the fact that Noah lived 900 years of good, happy life, and that we have no record of his having had to take colonic irrigations or to undergo an operation! Rather than resort to artificial means for cleansing now and then, why not eat the right kinds of food, the kinds that keep the bowels clean on day of the year? Moreover, a balanced diet will not only keep the bowels free from "toxic material and gas," but will supply the entire system with the necessary minerals and vitamins, without which no one can keep well any considerable length of time. Then why spend your money on manufactured vitamins and devitalized foods at sky-high prices when you can have Nature's own, full of vitality, and at prices as low as gravity? Ever remember that artificial nutratives are no better than artificial arms or legs.


No one should overlook the fact that the human body is made up of certain minerals, all of which are found in foodstuffs, and by these Nature is well able to keep the body in perfect condition provided that its master supplies the materials, and provided that no "monkey wrenches," so to speak, are ever dropped in to its delicate but long-enduring mechanism. Plainly, then, if we fail by the food we eat to supply Nature with the proper building materials, Nature will consequently be unable to perform her work, and though the result of the deficiency may not be felt immediately, it will nevertheless be felt as life continues and the years go on. And if the transgressor fails to awake and amend his ways on time, then even the most careful observance of the laws of health will fail to repair the damage done. Obviously, one should endeavor to live right, not because he is becoming sickly, but because he is determined ever to keep well. Moreover, a machine that has been broken down and repaired is never so good as the one that has never been damaged.

Neither is the man who makes himself sickly and then well. His best is never let his health be impaired. Each one should realize that his health is his wealth; that without it all else is as good as lost; and that he can never enjoy all his God-given rights and privileges if he does not carefully attend to both his physical and spiritual welfare. Drugs have their own place, but do not expect them to do that which you yourself must do. Many are like Asa, the king. He was "diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great; yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians." 2 Chron. 16:12. (See Prophets and Kings, p. 113.)


There are diseases which attack even the healthiest and best-cared-for plants. For example, when a tree that is planted in the best of soils and is well cared for, becomes infested with insects or disease, then no matter what one does with the soil, he cannot thereby cause the pestilence to disappear: and if the tree is not

sprayed with drugs that will exterminate the disease, the tree dies. In like manner, if one's morals, diet, and hygiene, have been faultless and still are when he takes sick, and if his ailment is not hereditary, then no matter what more he does with his diet, he will realize no healing virtues from it. Drugs are his best remedy if prayer fails.

Again, if a healthy and well-cared-for horse takes sick, drugs of some kind are obviously the only possible cure. Thus if the daily living of a human being is faultless, and yet he takes sick, then outside of prayer, what can he do but resort to drugs?

For example, is it not true that one starving for food cannot be spared by taking in water, air or something other than food? And is it not also true that one's broken and distorted arm cannot be set in place and healed right by dieting, poulticing, massaging, or by anything of the like? Nothing will do the trick, of course, but a competent physician to set the broken bones in place.


1. True health only comes by strict observance of the Laws of God: The Ten Commandments: Love God, the first 4, Love your neighbor the 6, and as yourself- the Health rules.

End of Lesson