MMW L08-c - Prevention and Treatment of the Common Diseases

The SENALI chapter 8 told us : “Good manners, good school results, earnestness in faith and prayer, achievement in planning and the teaching of life’s goals – all depend upon a healthy nervous system, and insanity are directly caused by a diseased nervous system, also, there are things which weaken it. The effect of black tea, coffee, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco on the nerves is pernicious. Bad habits like overeating, late heavy suppers etc. have their share in degenerating the system.”

“You should use the most simple food, prepared in the most simple manner so that the fine nerves of the brain be not weakened, benumbed, or paralyzed…by the use of tea and coffee an appetite is formed for tobacco, and this encourages the appetite for liquors …many of the diseases from which men suffer are the result of mental depression, grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, all tend to break down the life forces and to invite decay and death.” EG. White.

Nerves are the channels of communication and coordination by the brain. This means that if this department is abused or made to suffer in any way, the mental health will go down – resulting in bad emotions, bad behavior, perpetual mental invalidity, pain and death. The very tasty things we enjoy most may be the biggest causers of our health breakdown. When the nerve are abused by the use of bad food and stimulants like alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, cocoa, drugs, etc., there will be an everlasting mental redundancy. The weakness after each dose of these exciting things will force you to take another dose to keep yourself up. Now you are a perpetual self-imprisoned slave. One poison attracts another, thereby causing you to crave for other things you have never thought of using!

The symptoms of Nerve problems are Headaches, dizziness, neuralgia (pain along the nerves), Parkinson’s disease, paralysis, emotional modes, HBP, cramps, spasms, epilepsy, loss of memory, depression, stress, severe psychosis (total madness), etc.

Natural remedies

Avoid the bad foods, drinks, and habits listed in this book. Physiotherapy, including hydrotherapy, Reflexology, massage, acupuncture, etc. A clean colon and skin are the beginning of healthy living.

An enema of catnip herb is found to be very effective in quieting the nerves. Heavy doses of vitamin C have been discovered to help the stressed nerves. Vitamin E, Potassium, and calcium are a big help to the nerves and brain. To get greater enlightenment let’s go back to the SENALI Book Chapter 12 for details of the composition of the Brain and nerves: “6. Brain and Nerves: Phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iodine, sulfur, silicon, calcium, manganese, etc.” Read the SENALI for the plant sources of these elements. We can now see that our bodies are built from the food we eat, and it is only good natural food that can furnish our bodies with restorative regimens: Wild fruits like baobab, mpundu (mubula), mungongo, etc., raw nuts, seeds – especially sunflower and pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashew nuts, etc. – together with plenty of drinking water, and exercise will save us from the premature graves.Some powerful nerve depressants: Poor Dressing - Short sleeves, tight T-shirts and short skirts or dresses worn by “modern women” allow the chilling of the legs and hands. Blood is forced to withdraw from the limbs and congest the organs – chest pain, spinal and headaches may result. The problem becomes worse if those dresses are tight.

 Blood will be blocked from reaching vital organs and the skin. This reduces the nutrients and oxygen carried by the blood to the organs. For dry skin - In response, they try all lotions, instead of dress reform! For headaches and backache: They try painkillers!


In strong emotions, hormones are secreted – even unexpected pregnancies can occur due to extraordinary ovulation! Thus the whole Endocrine (secretory) system can be distorted.

Blood flow and the heart, digestion, and breathing can all be affected. Fear, hopelessness, hate, lack of faith and not trusting God – all can cause havoc on the nervous system, resulting in serious permanent diseases.

“Many of the diseases from which men suffer are the result of mental depression, grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, all tend to break down the life force and to invite decay and death”- E.G. White.

The better emotions that can help us relieve stress in the nerves are: Crying and weeping, faith brings trust and courage, love, benevolence, singing, praying, joking, smiling, laughing, exercise, etc.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest unto your soul.” Matt 11:28-30.

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…for as a man thinketh in his heart so is he “- Prov. 17:21, 23:7

“Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me –“ John 14:1.

“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good –“ Roman 12:21

The following herbs can help the nervous system: Feverfew, catnip, peppermint, poplar bark, ginger, Rosemary, Thyme, Cayenne (Red) Pepper, Moringa, Alfalfa, etc. and all the food rich in B-complex vitamins – especially B3, also vitamins C and E. Minerals: Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, etc.


The endocrine system is the group of secretory glands e.g. the pituitary gland, adrenal, prostate, ovaries etc. These can be compared to command camps in the body, where commands from the high command centre (brain) are received and carried out. The five senses, the body cells report to the Brain and the Brain tells the glands and white blood cells what to do. In such a complicated bio-electro-magnetic communication the body needs to be healthy, and only living food can enable the body systems to work harmoniously. Drugs cannot!

Examples of brain-gland communications:

1.Gynecological bio-electronic communications

The ovaries will communicate with the Brain and uterus that ovulation is about to occur.

Then the cervix and uterus will be told to shed off the hard dry mucus which is sealing off the passage by replacing it with wet mucus, which has channels to allow male reproductive cells to pass through.

By the time the ovum (egg) breaks out of the ovary wall, the male cells, which have passed through the wet mucus channels, are already there – ready to fertilize the ovum. The detail of this science has taught natural gynecologists to come up with natural birth control methods. When ovulation and fertilization are about to take place, the female reproductive “command camps” are told to change gland secretion (hormones) from prostaglandin to estrogen in order to fertilize the ovum and keep the fetus safe and growing. Fried fat (grease); caffeine in coffee; theophylline and tannin in tea, theobromine in tea, coffee, and cocoa can cause serious hormonal imbalance and worse problems like irregular and painful menorrhagia (heavy menses), fibrocystic diseases, problematic menopause, miscarriage, vaginal infections and cervical cancer. Ladies, if you want to be safe from the health problems given above, avoid the listed causes and then cleanse your body, especially your colon. Then go on the noble diet, which is freely marketed in this book – including the following: Fruits, raw or steamed veggie, unprocessed soy beans, unroasted – especially sprouted peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sprouted grains, garlic. Crush fresh garlic then combine with yellow dock powder for suppositories of sprouted grains, garlic. Crush fresh garlic then combine with yellow dock powder for suppositories and Douges. (A suppository is a little ball of herbs, better if covered in a clean cloth and inserted in the birth passage. Let it stay inside for 4 to 5 hours, then pull it out by the attached string. A Douge is an herb tea pumped into the uterus, lying on the back. Stay in that position for 15 to 30 minutes, then turn down to pour out).

Douges will help clear infection.

In another example, the male glands of the prostate and testicles are not spared from health problems. These glands are taxed heavily by overuse, alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, cocoa, and its chocolate, processed dead food which has lost all value –especially zinc, and other minerals and vitamins. The problem of prostatitis (acute or chronic infection in the prostate gland), prostatic hypertrophy (BPH – i.e. prostate enlargement) and prostate cancer – can all be reduced or completely eliminated by keeping the reproductive organs from overuse (terrible loss of zinc by excessive sexual intercourse and STDs), and by eating more unprocessed soybeans, unroasted peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, whole grain sprouts (especially rice), fruits and veggie.

Experts say that the zinc and energy lost during a single sexual intercourse is equivalent to energy lost during a day’s hard labour!

“...God holds them accountable for the expenditure of vital energy, which weakens their life and enervates the entire is not pure love that causes a man to make his wife an instrument to minister to his lust. It is an animal passion that clamors for indulgence... And because of shameful animalistic rules, bodies are corrupted; loathsome practices lead to loathsome diseases. That which God has given as a blessing is made a curse...No woman should aid her husband in his work of destruction...” E.G. White. The healthful routine is having sex about one to three times a week, in order to save energy and “shelf life” of the prostate gland. In summary, let us keep all the command centres (Brain and pituitary gland) and its subordinate branches (body glands), the immune and other systems in good health by utilizing the good natural food, drinks, and better habits promoted in this, and other naturopathic books. That is the only route to true health and happiness. A healthy person will make a healthy family, healthy families will lead to healthy societies and a healthy world. Otherwise, should it not be so, then the whole world can become a huge hospital, and its agricultural lands turned into gigantic commercial burial yards! God forbid!

The chief endocrine foods and herbs are those rich in zinc, calcium, vitamin E, A, and C.


The components of the immune system are: The Leucocytes (white blood cells); the Lymph (a type of plasma matter void of red blood cells and certain real plasma contents, the “white blood,” which carries the white blood cells and is pushed by exercise, breath and valves rather than by the heart); the Bone marrow (where some white blood cells are produced); the thymus gland (where they are trained and programmed).

White Blood cells are very well trained and organized soldiers of the body. They are subdivided into certain types and departments:

(a) The majority (about 70%) of the white blood cells are combatants (fighters). They are called Granulocytes (because of the granular appearance of their amoeba-like cytoplasm) – also called phagocytes (eaters – because of capturing and then ‘eating” germs in the amoeba style (phagocytosis). Their structure can take any form like an amoeba, to engulf germs. Some are big eaters (macrophages) while others are small eaters (microphages). They go anywhere in the body to fight and capture germs. They can use any method: eating the germs, shooting missiles of biochemicals to dilute the tough cell walls of germs, or where all trials have failed, they can build a wall fence around germs to “imprison” them (cysts). Phagocytes respond to calls from attacked body cells -- meaning that there is an incredible bio-electro-magnetic communication network between the body cells the nerves, the brain, and the white blood cells.

(b) Another camp of white blood cells is called Lymphocytes (about 25% of white cells).

There are different types of lymphocytes: Thymus cells (T-cells) and Bone marrow cells (B cells).

The T-cells which produce bio-electro-magnetic substances called cytokines which communicate very fast to all the departments of the immune system to alert or activate it. These are the communication departments. The B-cells respond by producing types of “missiles” called immunoglobulins (antibodies), to lock with and deactivate or disarm the antigens (germs).

The T-memory cells remember pre-invaders and quickly mobilize a war against them. This is the immunization unit. The T-Suppressor cells shut down (switch off or deactivate) the immune response after the “war” with pathogens (germs) is over and won. A big problem comes when the T-helper cells are eaten up by the HIV while leaving a high count of T-suppressor cells.

This shuts down the immune alarm at the time of infection. Any new disease can now pin down the sufferer!

In such a case, unless the immune-communication system can be corrected, drugs will become completely helpless! The body can be helped by using medications that help the communication systems rather than those that interfere and confuse. The body, therefore, needs to be cleansed from toxins, and fed with proper living food and herbs in order to keep the communication lines clear and to stimulate the production of more and more white blood cells.

The absence of certain glycol (sugar) proteins (e.g. mannose, etc.) will not enable the body cells to grow the hair-like structures on the cells which are used to communicate as well as to trap invading germs (the white cells are quickly deployed to clear the trapped germs before they reach the cell walls). If the cell has no hairy structures, the germs quickly access the cell wall and destroy the cell. Dead cells will rot and become toxic. Only living food and herbs can improve the immune system. Our modern drugs cannot. In fact, they are aimed at killing the germs directly, therefore, can also kill the body cells, can become toxic to the body, and may suppress the immune system and hinder the natural bio-restorative systems of the body. “Prevention is better than cure” (“cure” is the science of killing germs), therefore, “restoration is better than cure”.

The foods that can help with low immunity are fresh raw organic foods – fruits, veggies, tubers, roots, nuts, and seeds (especially sprouts). The following herbs can boost the immune system: Aloe Vera (rich in glucosides, Aloin, polysaccharides and glycoproteins. Aloin is transformed into the laxative aloemodin anthrone by the friendly bacteria), Echinacea, Garlic (rich in selenium), Alfalfa, Spirulina, Dandelion, Devil’s claw, Cinnamon, Ginseng, Wheat and Barley grass, Red pepper, Yellow dock, etc. The biggest enemies of the immune system:

Immune Problems

HIV /AIDS – Our science teachers have taught us that immunization will help the body fight diseases that will come years in the future. In immunization, the person is injected with either live or dead germs. This will cause the white cells to form antibodies against the fake germs, thereby training the immune system years before the real germs attack: The antibodies may stay for years, and the T-memory cells may recognize the germs and trigger the production of suitable antibodies. If this science is true, the problem we can see in the modern HIV testing method is: Testing for the antibodies as proof for the presence of (positive to) HIV! This can render some people positive when they are actually negative. Why? Because, if the person has found a way of killing all of the HIV in the body, the antibodies will still be here – meaning he will test positive some years later! Then we can frighten this person and make him or her suffer from depression and High BP for nothing. A good doctor (teacher) will not terrorize the patient! In another line of scientific discovery: when we eat cooked food, the white blood cell count rises at the digestive system. This resembles the behaviour of white cells in the presence of infection. When we eat raw organic food, this sudden high count of white cells does not occur! What is going on? Simply this: The Immune system is taxed heavily by the eating of dead food -- void of digestive enzymes. Then transfer this science to the HIV panorama: If Mr. So and so has gotten a powerful concoction which can cleanse the blood from toxins and HIV, why should we insist that the brother-Man has a low count of the white cell (low CD4 COUNT) IN THE BLOOD, WHEN ONLY THAT THE WHITE CELLS HAVE GONE BACK TO THE CAMP, IN THE ABSENCE OF THE ENEMIES IN THE BLOOD STREAM? If this science is correct, then there will be a lot of white cells count should rise high in the blood if there is infection in that blood! Now when the CD4 in the blood because of HIV infection, why should this be called health when actually not? White blood cells are carried by white blood or lymph. When they crowd in the red blood stream, there is infection. We need to exactly know the average CD4 count of a normal healthy person for correct conclusions. We, the common people, need clear theories that do not contradict each other because that can confuse us. Moreover, we need to establish research results in collaboration or in harmony with other basic scientific principles.

New Puzzle: Questions that had no answers in the past must be asked today so that we do not “settle on our lees,” in a lukewarm condition, but rise up to search for working solutions.

This may trigger a revival and reformation in our healing systems and bring back health to our societies.

Difficult questions will stimulate new research and lead to helpful discoveries. Let the Big Minds continue to think and research, then only can they discover the secrets of natural healing.

Ordinary viruses cannot live for long in chemicals or outside the host cells. But artificial viruses may! If, by the use of chemical food, drink, and medicine, we can change the friendly organisms into infectious germs, and normal cells into cancerous cells, then we should expect these new rascals to live outside the body, to live and be transported in chemicals, and do all such things not known among the ordinary and original friendly organisms. God helping us, we shall know these things perfectly in the near future if we are willing to grow from knowledge to knowledge in the field of biochemistry.


The skin is the largest elimination organ of the body. Through it, we throw out toxins through sweating. Skin problems are acne, eczema, rash, sores, boils, dermatitis, skin cancers (elephantiasis), psoriasis, etc. The main causes of skin diseases are bad food, bad eating habits, constipation, smoking, etc. People do not know that bad food and habits can cause over half of the disease, but our modern doctors are not heavily trained in nutrition and its direct effect on health. If they were, they could be moving in quickly to identify malnutrition illnesses (e.g. High BP, Diabetes, heart diseases), then prescribe good food instead of drugs.


1.Eczema, which is an allergy based on immuno-deficiency, may be reduced by correcting the diet dropping down bad food and habits, then increasing foods rich in vitamins A, C,E, B6, etc.

Many small children suffer from eczema due to eating much-refined sugar (sweets) and eggs.

2.The skin is also the mirror of the colon. If your colon is clean, your face will also appear smooth and fine even in old age. Too many wrinkles or many pimples on the face report how polluted the whole body is and may cause bad behavioral emotions. That is why children will not be comfortable standing before a person with many wrinkles on the face – they associate the wrinkles with anger or viciousness! If we eat too much-refined sugar, too much starch foods, chain-smoking, empty processed foods, etc., we can have skin problems, as well as other health problems like Diabetes. When these skin problems do finally come, usually the ladies will resort to miraculous skin-changing lotions, oils, etc., instead of correcting their diet to clean the inside.

The “modern” lady’s dress of small and tight T-shirts and tight trousers will invite complicated problems which they never attribute to the wrong dress. Exposed limbs in cold weather will cause uneven body temperature, uneven Blood pressure also congestion pain in the chest, then follows fevers, bronchial and nasal blockage, asthma, pneumonia, breast cancer, etc. The eating of heavy grain meals for late supper will deplete the Amylase enzyme reserve as we grow older, for it diminishes with age. Therefore late, heavy grain suppers will cause serious problems in old age, e.g. diabetes, skin problems, acidosis, etc.

Then the scanty drinking of water for fear of frequent urination during business and travel hours will affect the blood, liver, kidneys, bladder, etc. The yellow, scanty urine is not healthy at all. Let’s drink more water, especially in old age for better skin and to wade of diabetes.

Here is a strong but educative statement:

“Satan invented the fashions which leave the limbs exposed, chilling back the life current from its original course. And parents bow at the shrine of fashion and soothe their children that the nerves and veins become contracted and do not answer the purpose that God designed they should. The result is habitually cold feet and hands. Those parents who follow fashion instead of reason will have an account to render to God for thus robbing their children of health. Even life is frequently sacrificed to the god of fashion” – Testimonies for the Church Volume 2, p. 531 (E.G. White)

Therefore, many of the diseases from which women suffer may be caused by cold arms and legs, especially in cold countries and cold seasons. In cold weather, we advise ladies to cover their legs with cold-proof long underwear and socks, and their arms with long sleeved

dressing especially in public and in the open, if they want to cut off breast cancer. This is not cheap science, it is a pearl of expensive wisdom! Many patients lose their money and their body parts in surgery for disobeying very simple but noble natural rules!

“Perfect health depends upon perfect circulation. Special attention should be given to the extremities, that they may be as thoroughly clothed as the chest and the region over the heart, where is the greatest amount of heat…” E.G. White.

Stomach Ulcers

Stomach and duodenum ulcers are mostly caused by gastric acid that may react with other substances (e.g. bile) which next dissolve the protective mucous lining the stomach wall.

“Dry” fasting (fasting without drinking water and fruit juices), chewing sweets, and gums, eating between meals, heavy late suppers, etc., are among the main causes of ulcers. Tobacco, coffee (both caffeinated and decaffeinated) spicy foods (white and black pepper, but not red peppers), refined sugar, milk, refined flour, chocolate – all can confuse and irritate the stomach lining. Stress, combined with a deficiency diet (of dead food), will directly cause ulcers. Use fibre foods that are also rich in vitamins A, C, E, etc. Also, honey, extra virgin olive oil, raw potato juice (broth), nuts, raw fruits and veggies, zinc , rich foods, castor oil, Dandelion, comfrey, plantain, aloe Vera, self-heal, alfalfa, cayenne pepper, drinking much water and fasting –all can help in skin and ulcer problems. Always remember that:

“Disease is the penalty of nature’s violated laws….a mighty effort to rid herself of the encumbrances and evil treatment she has suffered. Then comes headaches, chills, fevers, and nervousness to mention a few…when drugs are introduced into the system, for a time they may seem to have a beneficial effect. A change may take place but the disease is not cured.

It will manifest itself in some other form …And the disease which the drug was given to cure, may disappear but only to reappear in a new form, such as skin disease, ulcers, painful diseased joints, and sometimes in a more deadly form” – E.G. White.


Covering long distances on boats, buses, and planes can cause some serious diseases.

I may testify that I had some little experience in long-distance travelling: It was two days walking from my father’s home to my mother’s village! I used to walk barefoot 12km to school from grade 1 to 7 – a trip amounting to 24km per day, 5 days a week. Then when I got into missionary work, I travelled long distances by bus from Lusaka to Chiengi (Luapula, Zambia), from Lusaka to Eastern Cape (S. Africa), and from Lusaka to Webuye (Western Kenya).

Including air travel from Lusaka to Port Harcourt (Nigeria), from Lusaka to Dallas-Fort worth (USA), etc.

 Therefore, I really have little experience on heavy-duty travel! Here are some tips gained by experience:

On long distances, one can experience fatigue, nausea, headache, blood clot, dizziness, constipation, neural problems, sleeplessness, etc.

One day, while flying from Dallas through Detroit (USA) to Amsterdam (Netherlands), and as we were disembarking the Royal Dutch plane, a woman fell down paralyzed and was rushed to a health bay! May be she had some blood clot problems. These problems are real.

To avoid such sudden and serious sicknesses on board and afterward, here are some of the tips:

2. On long distances, avoid tight clothes, especially you ladies. And you brothers, loosen your belts, replace your tight underwear with loose ones! Remove your shoes, tight socks, or anything pressing on your body – stay loose and free! Do not love to adjust your seats too far back to avoid unnecessary backaches and neck aches. I have found it better to sit upright even when dosing. Do some simple exercises like – ‘stand up, move your toes and fingers… walk to the toilet even when you are doing nothing there…’ If your seat (or bench, even at school or church) is too hard (which can close your veins) add a small sofa, folded towel, or small pillow, to avoid blood clots, aches, and swollen legs. If you have covered/will cover long distances by road or air, you can now understand these things and do better from now on. “Bona voyage”! Safe journey!

End of the Lesson.