MMW L04: The Philosophy of Natural Healing


To reveal the one, true divine philosophy of healing.


“All healing is the exclusive province of the body wisdom and power. Restorative power is only in nature”- T.C. Fry (Hygienist). As already observed, true healing originate from God. Men and women of divine wisdom and faith have been utilizing the philosophy of Natural Healing in all the ages.


1. The Egyptians

Paintings discovered in the physician’s Tomb at Saqqara, Egypt, dating 2300BC, gave evidence that the art of Reflexology and massage was practiced in Egypt that early. Reflexologists believe that all the body organs and parts have their nerves ending points in the palms and feet. That by pressing/massaging these points, disease is discovered and releaved: How? The pituitary gland in the brain releases pain-killing hormones called Endorphins, Encephalins and Dynorphins (which are about 700 more powerful than Morphine or Heroin) to lessen pain and bring relief.

2. The Chinese

Developed big techniques in Reflexology and Acupuncture. They considered the body to possess some bio-electro-magnetic energies or forces which they call “yin” (the negative force) and “yang” (positive force). These forces run parallel in opposite directions through the body, but they must be in balance in order to maintain harmony (good health). Any blockage results in disease in the corresponding area. In 1971, President Nixon of the USA visited China and one of the journalists in his entourage -James Reston, fell sick and no more remedy could help. He was cured of the appendicitis by acupuncture almost immediately. This prompted the President to appoint a group of American doctors, led by Dr. Paul Dudley White and sent to China to study acupressure/acupuncture. The Chinese have highly developed this art by using wellness gadgets/equipment to do it technologically.

Summary of Chinese Philosophy:

The Body has 5 systems called: “Wood” (Immune), “fire” (endocrine or glands), “Earth” (digestive)” “metal” (respiratory), and “water” (Circulatory). That, in conjunction with the “Ying” and “Yang” energies, they must be in balance Chinese health equation: Cleanse every day + Nourish every day + Balance every day =

harmony (good healthy).

3. The Greeks

The Body contains 4 elements that must be in balance: Earth, Air, Fire, and water –relating to 4 seasons, 4 qualities, 4 body fluids or humours (energies in the Chinese theory). That if one humor dominates, it results in a disease of that kind. Hippocrates, a Greek healer and teacher (468-377BC), was a great philosopher who was honored as the “Father of Medicine,” grouped all foods and herbs into 4 categories: Hot, cold, dry, and Damp. Also the 4 humours (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) must be in balance. He was against the use of poisonous medicines, and that the body heals itself by the co-operation of the sick person. He used exercises, herbs, food, fresh air, and fasting as remedies. Hippocrates quotes “Let food be your medicine, and medicine your food…we shall never understand disease until we shall understand our food.”

“Nature heals, the physician is only Nature’s assistant.”

“If the sick person is fed, one feeds the disease. On the other hand, if he sufferer is

withheld from food, the disease is fasted out…the more you feed a diseased body,

the worse you make it.”

4. The “Ayurveda” (Indian theory)

“Ayurveda” comes from two Indian words: “aayur” = “life” and “veda” = “knowledge.” Therefore, “Ayurveda” would mean “knowledge of how to live” –

Thus emphasizing that good health is the responsibility of the individual. In Ayurvedic healing, illness is seen in terms of imbalance, and food and herbs are used to restore equilibrium. In this philosophy, the micro-cosmos of the individual is linked to the cosmos (order or nature of the world and its universe). That there are 3 primal forces: “Prana” (breath of life) “agni” (Spirit of light or fire) and “soma” the five elements, Earth, Water, fire, Air, and Ether or Vacuum which must be in balance…

There were many other philosophies in Europe, Africa, America (Red Indians), etc. Voyages, trade and colonization distributed the philosophy of healing all over the world. We cannot avoid the fact that many a time it was polluted or hijacked by witchcraft, myth, etc. However the main stem continued to exist through the ages and now written by pioneers in Europe like: Gerand, Galen, Paracelsus, Parkinson, Culpeper, Samuel Thomson (founder of physiciomedicalism), Dr William Withering, Dr. Alexander, Jethro Kloss (Author of the book “Back to Eden”) , E.G. White, Ann Wigmore, etc.

5. Ellen Gould White (1827 -1915)

From her youth in Portland, Maine, USA, she became one of the greatest writers and instructors...the world has ever produced. Many of her claims have been proven true so much that she was posthumously awarded “The President’s Award” in 1986.

There were many other civilizations that arose. Voyages of exploration and colonization brought back home a rainbow of philosophies, healing techniques, herbs and foods to the Western world.

Then great philosophers, teachers and healers rose up, e.g. Gerand, Galen, Paracelsus, Parkinson, Culpeper, Samuel Thomson (Founder of physiomedicalism), Dr. William Withering, Dr. Alexander, Jethro Kloss (Author of the book “Back to Eden”), E.G. White, Ann Wigmore, etc.

When we examine their philosophies and methods, none promoted the fear of bacteria, and the strange zeal of killing germs. They used one common philosophy – The Philosophy of Natural Healing.

The Philosophy of Natural Healing Equation


“Disease is an effort of Nature (see quote in lesson above ) ….poor food cannot be Converted into good blood…To keep the body in a healthy condition in order that all parts Of the living machinery may act harmoniously, should be the study of our life. The children of God cannot glorify Him with sickly bodies and dwarfed minds…if by correct habits of eating and drinking the blood is kept pure, the body will be properly nourished. It is the lack of harmonious action in the human organism that brings disease…All parts of the system must work harmonious action in the human organism that brings disease…All parts of the system must work harmoniously.” She also wrote about electricity in the body before modern science discovered it:

1869:” Whatever disturbs the circulation of the electric currents, and the result is a deadening of the sensibilities of the mind.”

Note that this bio-electro-magnetic energy is what the Indians called “Agni,” Greeks – “humours” and the Chinese- “yin” and “yang”,

This means it is one and the same philosophy- The philosophy of Natural Healing.

The End of the Lesson.