MMW L08-a - Prevention and Treatment of the Common Diseases

Purpose: To reveal the safe and effective remedies for Diseases


“Bless the Lord, O my Soul, and forget not all His benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases” – Ps. 103: 3.

“I am the Lord that healeth thee” – Exo. 15: 26

“ Remember that there are no incurable diseases only people who think they are incurable… clean the mucus out of the body, which is the primary source that develops tumors, cysts, etc., bringing about old age rapidly…. Give… foods that are alive, nutritious… which can rebuild… with corrective aids to facilitate the healing and generation of the body systems” – Dr. John R. Christopher.

“There are no incurable diseases. If you are willing to take responsibility for yourself and your life, you can heal yourself” – Dr. Richard Schulze.

“Nature’s process of healing and up-building is gradual, and to the impatient it seems slow…. Requires sacrifice” – E. G. White

“Self-indulgence is at the bottom of nine-tenths of the ills of today… and until one has learned self-control, how can one hope for the establishment of a proper mode of living” - Harry Benjamin.

“Sick people do not have to go to faraway places to regain their health. If they would eat temperately, and engage in healthful exercise with a cheerful spirit, they would in nine cases out of ten regain health and save time and money. Thousands need to be educated patiently, kindly, tenderly, but decidedly that nine-tenths of their complaints are created by their own course of action even among those who have intelligence in regard to the laws of life and health”, - E. G. White.

Therefore so long one is everlastingly breaking the laws of nature - which are the laws of health, disease will forever not depart from his/ her body! An incurable disease is a time bomb that is manufactured on the farm, modified in the kitchen and detonated at the dining table! In modern society, all people have become unwittingly suicide bombers! Breaking the 10 commandments is rewarded with hereditary and communicative diseases while breaking the laws of nature (the laws of health) brings self-created diseases. Each person is, therefore, the first one in the line of defense, the doctor is just a “goalkeeper”.

In a football match, if you do not have good defenders in front of the goalie, expect more damage – to be skinned alive!

What should one do if he/she falls sick? “The first thing to be done is to ascertain the time character of the sickness and then go to work intelligently to remove the cause. If the harmonious working of the system has become unbalanced by over work, over eating or other irregularities, do not endeavour to adjust the difficulties by adding a burden of poisonous medicines” – E.G White

“While the physician uses nature’s remedies for physical disease, he should point his patients to Him who can relieve the maladies of both soul and body…. The physician ministers to the body in healing yet all the work is the Lord’s… To educate the human family that the doctor alone knows all the ills of infants and persons of every age is false teaching and the sooner we as a people stand on the principles of health reform, the greater will be the blessing that will come to those who would do true medical missionary work” – E. G. White.

“Nature heals, the physician is only Nature’s assistant” – Hippocrates. 

“Our bodies are built from the food we eat and it is proper food that can repair our bodies. Each organ requires its share… By precept and example make it plain that the food which God gave to Adam in his sinless state, is the best” – E. G. White

“Leave your chemicals in the chemist’s pot if you can’t cure your patient with food… Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food… We shall never understand disease until we shall know our food” – Hippocrates.

Be on your guard: Traditional thinking cooking, eating and drinking have a big share in causing disease death. Our “best friends” are actually our best enemies! The food, drink and habits we dearly love, may be our most dangerous enemies! CIRCULATORY PROBLEMS Here is a list of common circulatory problems: Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure), Arteriosclerosis (clogging of the arteries), Coronary thrombosis and Angina (heart problems), Stroke etc. These frightening big names reveal the fatality they carry out in the human body. However, nearly all of these diseases can be successfully prevented by proper natural food, drink, good cooking and eating habits.


(a) What Are They?

Imagine, the water pipe is blocked inside by a stone while the water pump is pumping at 10 horse power!

Two things can happen: knock the engine (heart), or puncture the pipe (artery), or even both calamities can occur at the same time! What really is the problem is High Bp? The arteries are blocked by toxins or they are hardened- they can’t expand. The blood is full of a heavy load of toxins preventing the normal blood flow. The natural immune response is the kidney’s adrenal glands to raise the blood pressure as a remedial option and warning to the highly educated person to urgently do something about it!

(b) Causes of HBP

Toxemia (poisoned by toxins), defective calcium metabolism, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), negative emotions or moods, overweight, eating much dead denatured food and drink with less exercise and the lack of fresh air, depressed thinking, stress, etc. here is a list of the major sources of toxins: Bad food – artificial sweeteners, seasonings, colorings, and preservatives; artificial juices, alcohol, sugar, salt, uric acid, puric acid, chlorinated water, etc. The big cities are the biggest risk area while HBP is almost not known to trouble rural people. Therefore, HBP is the immune response to pollution.

(c) Symptoms:

Headache, Dizziness, Loss of memory and the power of concentration, Irritability, Unnecessary fear,

Short breath, Heart problems.

(d) What to Do

If a snake enters your bedroom, does your fear teach you to switch off the light and rash into the beddings so that you don’t see it? Yes it can be one of the wonders of the world -- but that is exactly what a patient does when he/she tries to bring down (switch off the immune alarm) the BP by using depressants.

Or, suppose your gate alarm sounds to warn you of danger: does your fear drive you to switch off the alarm (symptom)? HBP is not a disease, it is a symptom (alarm), and it is better to deal with the cause than to treat the symptoms only. The best doctor for this disease is you yourself! Save your money and give a chance to the hospital doctor to attend to the other complicated diseases.

(i) First – Say in your heart that you want to live -- not to die. You can even shout this loudly! Then repent of your sins, your bad habits – and confess to God to ask for forgiveness. Abandon all the causative factors listed above. 

(ii) Become a strict vegetarian at 70% to 80% raw organic foods- fruits, vegetables, nuts, tubers, and sprouts. The program will be faster if you take a leave from your employment and go to the rural area for a month or so. Do not carry with you your town food – eat what they eat there! 

(iii) Cut off processed “ empty foods”- made from white flour, pasta, spaghetti, meat, chicken, and eggs (You may only use village chicken’s fertilized eggs and village cow sour milk), no artificial drinks, alcohol, tobacco, much salt (use coarse sea salt), sugar (use honey), and eat more of fresh fruits., vegetables, tubers, and nuts, especially Irish potatoes. Do not be fooled that HBP increases with age. It is only the toxins that increase with age, thus the HBP with them! The BP of vegetarians usually ranges from 110 over 65 to 125 over 80 even in old age: Here is my BP taken at the age of about 60 years: over . I am a vegetarian for 30 years now. We can now say a Bp. reading is determined by the amount of toxins (HBP), or the weakness of the heart and vessels (LBP).

(e) Causes of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is the loss or poor absorption of Calcium in the bones. A serious lack of Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Vitamin C, and exercise in the sunlight, also too much salt, meat, sugar, acid-forming and cooked food, etc. will reduce the amount of Calcium in the body.

(f) Causes of Arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis is the hardening or blockage of the arteries. It is caused by deposits of “rejected” calcium [because the calcium is cooked, fried, and processed] and the bad type of fatty acids (cholesterol). When we hear of Cholesterol, our nerves always tell us that it is a POISON! Cholesterol is essential to life. Every cell has it and is used for normal cell metabolism. It is a conductor of nerve transmission to and from the brain. It is used in the production of substances like sex hormones and other steroids. Cholesterol is found only in products of animal origin -- the saturated animal fat: milk butter, whole milk, cream, ice cream, cheese.

Therefore, a strict vegetarian should not be affected by cholesterol, even if he uses cold-pressed plants and non-saturated fats like extra virgin olive oil and palm oil. Unfortunately, some vegetarians tested show high cholesterol oil because of frying their good food in processed cooking oil, and coconut oil. Cholesterol is in two main types: High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. The good kind is HDL, and the bad guy is LDL. There is no fear of lacking HDL as it is made by the body, which only makes the HDL! However, the LDL is a donation from the eating of animal oils, fats, and grease. The liver manufactures most of the cholesterol while the small intestines make lesser amounts. High cholesterol levels can cause heart problems. Experts have found out that when blood cholesterol is lowered by “short - cuts” it will accumulate in the body. Unfortunately, the liver can also triglycerides from carbohydrates which are a combination of glycerol and three fatty acids. The excess fat, sugar, and carbohydrates, from (sweets, gums, sugary drinks, etc.) which we have not used for energy is converted to triglyceride molecules. Triglycerides also increase with the increase of cholesterol! Low levels of triglycerides are a sign of good health as they indicate low levels of cholesterol.

We also should note that Calcium is very much used in neutralizing toxins from the meat, sugars, and fat diets. Calcium being hard can cause kidney stones, gall stones; sharp arthritic crystals, and why not the fatty calcium salts that choke and harden your heart and arteries? To avoid bad calcium salts and cholesterol, cut off the chicken, eggs, meats, alcohols, tobacco, salt, and sugar - - especially the combination of milk + sugar+ eggs in a heavy diet of meat, chicken, sweets, and carbonated drinks! Use more fruits, Vegetables, tubers, nuts, natural sugars (egg honey) and natural juices.


Dear Reader if you have read the SENALI Book and this very Philosophy of Natural Healing, this far, you have then acquired much information as to how diet is important to our health. Basically, cancer is a result of liver failure to control the toxins and growth factors of the body due to bad food, drink, toxins, and habits. 


According to Dr. R. H. Clark, cancer is the disturbance of cell division in which abnormal or mad cells are formed. She said that the growth factor at the cell division stage may be disturbed- giving birth to wrong or mad (cancerous) cells. The cancerous cells grow faster, disturb and conquer normal cells, and become unbeaten competitors for the nutrients we get from food. Fatty cells are equally similar in that behavior.

(a) Causes of Cancer

Why is cancer on the rise? The word “doctor” means “teacher”. Therefore doctors should teach about health. (preventive), not only curing diseases. Doctors are not doing enough to educate the public about the preventive measures people can undertake in order to lessen the number of patients admitted to the hospital. When shall we see the miracle of even a one-day-empty mortuary at our big hospitals? 

Clues about Cancer sources: “There is no natural death. All deaths from so-called natural causes are merely the end point of progressive acid saturation”– Dr.George W. Crile. 

“Acidosis precedes and provokes disease”-- Mary Hogle.

“The liability to take disease is increased tenfold by meat eating… Cancers, tumors and all inflammatory diseases are largely caused by meat eating. People are continually eating flesh that is filled with tuberculosis and cancerous germs. Tuberculosis, cancer and other fatal diseases are thus communicated”- E. G White.

“Respect for the natural product is an indispensable requirement in the field of nutrition. Improper living and a faulty diet constitute a lifelong preparation for cancer”- Dr. Kollath.

“Cancer is essentially a nutritional disease, a disease of faulty feeding, plus the absorption of poisonous drugs. The foundation of cancer is laid in the kitchen and in the dining room, and women have it in their power to limit its ravages and even to eliminate it altogether”- Surgeon Sir Arbuthnot Lane.

Thus over 50% of cancer is caused by bad food, bad eating, and drinking habits. The other percentage by poisonous Medicines, Water and Air Pollution. Before commercial industries came, cancer was almost unknown. Therefore, it is one of the diseases of civilization. If germs and an unhygienic environment are the main causes of disease, why are the immaculately clean rich guys who live in glass houses dying from stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer -- more than the average villager? 

Dear villager – do not be offended even if one calls you dirty and backward – you are actually wise and healthy – with fewer funeral songs to sing per month!

“Meat wears out the intestinal tract and kidneys prematurely by increasing the acidity of the blood and by the accumulation of toxins in the tissues. High meat consumption favors the hardening of vessels, heart failure, stroke, kidney disease and cancer” – M.O. Garten

“Excessive eating of meat and cholesterol-rich foods not only contributes to atherosclerosis and consequent impaired blood circulation and diminished oxygenation of cells, but also increases the risk of tumor development. Animal as well as human studies show that limiting the use of meat and animal fat, including butter, will diminish oxygenation of cells but also increases the risk of cancer” – Dr. Joseph Issels (Germany).

A part of Australia tops the world in meat eating and is rewarded with topping the world in cancer cases!

The common carcinogenic (cancer-causing) toxins in meat are Melonaldehyde (a decomposing fat that forms immediately after slaughter), Ammonia (a by-product of digested meat proteins), Indole (from the decomposition of Tryptophan – a component in an animal protein, uric acid, etc.).

Other sources are: processed, isolated, breached food extracts – white flour, white meals, white sugars, artificial sugars eggs, Aspartic acid (Aspartame), salt (nearly all salt is produced by heat and evaporation, crystallization, purification, etc. The best salt is seawater evaporated by the noble sodium star – the SUN.

 This salt will not have a negative impact on the body’s biochemistry) and the unbeatable guy –

monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG is a very common ingredient in soup seasonings and dining table shakers. Japan is the biggest consumer of MSG and therefore tops the world in stomach cancer! Salt: We hear of Denmark topping Europe in eating Salted fish – but unfortunately they are rewarded as top cancer sufferer in Europe and comes 2nd after Japan in the world. Cancerous cells hate living food, oxygen, healthy exercise but very much like fat, salt, sugar, dead and acid food, and areas with less oxygen, less potassium, less selenium, in the absence of vitamin C and E.

Toxins – “Most cancer in man, probably 9/10, is caused by chemical substances…” Professor Boyland.

The list of toxins that cause cancer: Smoking, atmospheric pollution, food additives, inorganic chemicals – including nitrate fertilizers, sodium fluoride (in fluoridated water), pesticides (esp. DDT), immunosuppressant drugs, motor exhausts (hydro carbons including benzopropyrene and aldehydes), chlorinated water as chlorine destroys vitamin E in the body), Aluminum (from aluminum kitchen ware), tars (from overheated browned baked, roasted or fried food). Experts found some antenatal hormones like diethylstilbestrol (DES – a miscarriage prevention hormone caused vaginal cancer, breast cancer, and fibroid tumors), and sex hormones (birth control, estrogen replacement therapy (ERT)). Nitrate (in meat preservation – combines with mines in the stomach to form nitrosamines which are carcinogens. Nitrates are also found in water wells in inorganic agriculture areas). X – Rays – even color TV rays, etc. The list is endless and almost too impossible to be reduced!

(b) Prevention of Cancer

(i) With a partial list of the causes in (a) above, one is already armed with knowledge to build on.

 Vegetarians have rare cases if not heavily vaccinated or injected with sex and infertility hormones, and they live the rural areas where they eat more natural organic fresh food. If you are already a cancer patient, become a 100% raw organic diet vegetarian if that can be obtained in this dark world! Avoid isolated, disintegrated, bleached refined food. Reduce or avoid acid-forming foods (dry grains, dry beans, eggs, meat, sugar (white or brown), all common salts, etc.

Vitamins, Minerals, and Enzymes (see chapter 3:4 for sources)

Vitamin A prevents cancer. Vitamin B comp. were found to form a powerful defense by increasing oxygenation. Serious deficiencies of these vitamins, plus the ventilation deficiencies, will starve the cells and they will resort to illicit sources like fermenting sugar in order to stay alive. But fermentation promotes cancer development! Vit. C is the “cement” holding body cells together which prevents easy bruising, bleeding gums, slow healing of wounds, etc. Vit. C is also antiviral (kills or inhibits viruses) and anti-bacterial. All cancer patients would show serious deficiencies in these vitamins. Vit. E is a very important antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals, neutralizes nitrosamines, and strengthens the immune system.

Increased Vitamin E with selenium would reduce breast cancer in women. Calcium binds and neutralizes toxins. Enzymes in raw food aid the immune system in its multi–activities. Only whole foods would prevent cancer effectively: Green leaf veggies, Carrots, beets, cabbage, garlic, tomatoes, eggplant, citrus fruits, soybeans, brewer’s yeast, extra virgin olive oil, linseed, etc.

Herbs that help in cancer problems – Yellow dock, Moringa, Alfalfa, golden seal, red clover, chaparral, garlic, ginseng, paud’arco, Echinacea Aloe Vera etc.

Good habits – eat no food between meals --only drink liquids, no much liquid at meals, no heavy late suppers. Use little or no salt and processed sugar, take more natural water but avoid chlorinated water altogether or boil it to evaporate some of the chlorine. Re-read the lessons from the 8 Doctors in Part 3 of this book.

2. Diabetes

(a) Causes of Diabetes Is yet another Malnutritional problem similar to HBP and cancer as major players on the Premier teams of Urban Diseases? Cancer is largely as a result of a weakened liver and Diabetes is as a result of a tired and weak pancreas and kidneys. The Beta cells of the Pancreas secrete insulin while the Alpha cells secrete Glucagon which stimulates the turning of glycogen in the liver into glucose for release into the bloodstream. The Alpha and Beta cells must be in balance when a heavy load of refined sweets (sugar, sweets, chewing gums, soft drinks, etc.) is absorbed into the bloodstream it taxes the pancreas heavily and sooner or later becomes so weakened that it can no longer produce enough insulin. To make matters worse, insulin needs the trace mineral –

Chromium to admit glucose through the cell doors into the cell, for metabolism. In the absence of Chromium, like in refined sweets and processed carbohydrate foods, the blood will be flooded with rejected naked glucose thereby starving the cells. Chromium deficiency due to food refining therefore is one of the major causes of diabetes. Too much sugar in the blood would then stress the liver, the pancreas, and the adrenal glands. Let us say this:

 The sugary food we eat will have to pass through Door 1 between the food canal and the bloodstream.

 Then it has to be contacted through Door 2 between the blood and the body cells. Now, natural sugar enzymes, minerals, and vitamins check the sugar amount that should enter through Door 1. The right type and right amount which has been allowed through Door 1 into the blood stream has natural Chromium from unrefined carbohydrates – meaning it will be allowed to pass through Door 2 into the cells for energy and life. 

The DANGER is: Refined sugars are “gate crushers” – they enter Door 1 by force and without restraint in it for amount measures, they just flood the blood stream with stubborn, besetting, fake sugar which the vigilant cell “guards” will not allow such “rude” sugar to enter through Door 2! Results:

(i) A “cyclone” or even a “Tsunami” in the bloodstream! High level of useless sugar which goes nowhere!

What a fearful “Tsunami” in the whole body! Note that sugar is not burnt in the bloodstream – but in the cells! 

(ii) Under such a stress, the pancreas will try harder and harder to produce more and more insulin to try to arrest the situation but since the highly educated person will never stop polluting himself / herself with the fake carbohydrates, until one day the pancreas will say – “I’m tired and worn out – perhaps you can buy another pancreas which is made of stainless steel. As for me, I’m sorry, ‘Kwaheri we we’ {Swahili – Goodbye to you}”! In my tribe “Luyana” of Western Zambia: if you have walked whole day until sun set, in the sands of Sikongo District and you have failed to reach your destination, the sun is believed to symbolically say: “O tuleko’ e lyoe” – “replace me with your own sun”. But is it easy for any one today to stop the sun [rotation of the earth] like Joshua in the valley of Gibeon [Joshua 10; 8 -14]? Likewise, it is hard for you to replace your worn-out – overspent pancreas! If you don’t really replace your useless pancreas, you will forever live on artificial insulin – a self-imprisonment! This makes life unnecessarily expensive.

(iii) Under the same stress, the kidneys are in serious trouble as they try day and night to purge out sugar, resulting in high levels of sugar in the urine. The symptoms of Diabetes include sweet urine, abnormal thirst [body wisdom to try to dilute the blood sugar] abnormal frequent urination, weakness, headache, stress, depression, High BP-- even severe psychosis (total madness). Diabetes was unknown before the advent of food manufacture. (iv) Under the same stress, too much insulin in the blood stream would interfere with the burning of fat by the body. This results in another problem – a fat build up, increasing the weight! The fat now has to be stored somewhere like the belly, neck, etc. causing new health problems.

Your fat ‘double waist ‘indicates that fat is also deposited around the heart and is now choking the arteries. This is the modern suicide and murder that will never be prosecuted by modern world courts! (v) Under the same stress the stored fat produces more and more cholesterol – all pulling one in danger of atherosclerosis, stroke, HBP, kidney failure, vision problems, blindness, headaches, etc.

(b) Prevention of Diabetes

Research by scientists has discovered that almost none of Diabetes need the infinity insulin shots, because the disorder can be corrected with right food and lifestyle.

(i) Repent of the unmonitored past lifestyle and begin to work diligently for your health. 

(ii) Go through a process of “fasting” – by abandoning the causative foods listed above and go on natural food and drink. Detoxify, and cleanse the colon and body – lose the unnecessary fat and weight. (iii) Avoid the following: All refined grain products, refined sugars – including commercial drinks and sweets, meat, chicken, fried and roasted food, chlorinated water, tobacco, alcohol, common tea, coffee, chocolate, pasteurized milk especially fresh milk [raw sour milk may be okay], baking powder, soda, all food cooked or stored in aluminum pots, commercially processed food which is flooded with artificial additives and colors, etc. Do not wait for world laws that may ban these items for such laws will never come! Ban them in your little country your body, Mr. President! (iv) Increase the following in your diet: whole grain products – especially sprouts [brown wheat, millet, oats, brown rice, etc.], fruits and veggies, green, garlic, bananas, yogurt or sour milk, grapes, potatoes [especially the skins], melons, berries, seeds, nuts, goat milk, honey, beans, pears, lentils, soybeans, molasses, brewer’s yeast, etc. It is not possible that all these will be accepted by your body immediately. Do not be cheated that sweet fruits will increase your blood sugar. That is why the SENALI emphasizes on body detoxification to normalize body language and reactions to food. However, be ready for hot battles with the cancerous and fat cells, because by cutting off their choice of food, you are trying to kill them! They will force you to eat bad food again! Most of these unprocessed whole and natural raw foods contain INULIN –the precursor of insulin and CHROMIUM which can help you to metabolize the sugar. Other things to do: Create “fevers” which is very helpful for diabetics – increase exercise and deep breathing, hot body bath i.e. soaking your whole in a tub of very warm water, seasoned with sea salt or some the sudorific (sweat-causing) herbs, Sitz-bath, steam bath, etc. If all the instructions given above are followed strictly including those on High Blood Pressure, Cancer, and Constipation, then you may one day boldly say: “Kwaheri Diabetes!”