1. The Study of the Body Function

Human Physiology

Study of how the human body functions.


How physiological processes are altered in disease or injury.

Scientific Method

Confidence in rational ability, honesty and humility.

Formulate hypothesis.

Testing the hypothesis.

Analyze results.

Draw conclusion.


Maintaining constancy of internal environment.

Dynamic consistency.

Maintained by negative feedback loops.

Feedback Loops


Detects deviation from set point.

Integrating center:  

Determines the response.


Produces the response.

Negative Feedback

Defending the set point.

Reverse the deviation.

Produces change in opposite direction.

Eating - increase Blood glucose

Pancreatic islets (of Langerhans)

Positive Feedback

Action of effectors amplifies the change.

Is in same direction as change.


Oxytocin (parturition)

Voltage gated Na+ channels (depolarization)

Primary Tissues

4 Different Primary Tissues:

3 Types of Muscle Tissue:

...Skeletal Muscle - Voluntary muscle.


Attach to bones at both ends (tendons).

Arranged in parallel.

Grade contraction.

...Cardiac Muscle - Striated.

Found only in the heart.


Intercalated discs.


...Smooth Muscle - Not striated.

Gap junctions.




Neurons (nerve cells):  

Specialized for conduction of action potentials.

Supporting cells:

Provide anatomical and functional support.


Dendrites: Receive input. 

Cell body: Nucleus. , Metabolic center.

Axon: Conducts nerve impulses.

Types of Epithelial Tissue:

Cells that form membranes:

...Squamous Cells - Flattened in shape.

Adapted for diffusion and filtration.

Line all blood vessels.

...Columnar Cells - Taller column shaped cells.

Excretion, secretion and absorption.

May contain cilia.

Line digestive tract and respiratory passageways.

...Cuboidal Cells - Cube-shaped cells.

Excretion, secretion and absorption.

Line kidney tubules, salivary ducts, and pancreatic ducts.

Derived from cells of epithelial membranes.

Secretions are released through ducts.

Simple tubes or modified as acini.


Tear glands

Sweat glands

Prostate glands

Endocrine glands

Lack ducts.

Secrete hormones into capillaries within the body.

May be discrete organs:

Primary functions are the production and secretion of hormones.

Connective Tissue

Large amounts of extracellular (ECF) material in the spaces between connective tissue cells.

4 Types of Connective Tissue:

Scattered collagen and tissue fluid. - Dermis of skin

Dense fibrous connective tissue:

Regular arranged. - Collagen oriented in same direction. - Tendons

Irregularly arranged. - Resists forces applied in many directions.

Capsules and sheaths

Supportive and protective tissue.

Elastic properties to tissues.

Precursor to many bones.

Articular surfaces on joints.


Bone-forming cells


Trapped osteoblasts: less active


Bone resorbing cells

Half its volume is plasma.


Composed of at least two primary tissues.

Serve different functions of the organ.


Organs that are located in different regions of the body and perform related functions.


Skeletal system

Cardiovascular system

GI system

Body-Fluid Compartments

65-75% of total body weight H20.

Intracellular compartment:

Fluid inside the cell.

2/3 of H20

Extracellular compartment:

1/3 H20

2 Subdivisions:

Blood plasma

Interstitial fluid