MMW L08-b - Prevention and Treatment of the Common Diseases

The main Respiratory problems are Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and T. B. Mainly all of these are caused by air pollution plus cold weather when combined with faulty diet of dead, unnatural food.

(a) Asthma

The main cause is in the stomach and bowels. Disorder in the stomach and bowels affects the reflex action of the vagus nerve (which connects the digestive canal with the bronchial tubes), to cause spasms in the respiratory tubes. These spasms triggers the excessive secretion of stubborn mucus in the lungs, making breathing difficult. Dr. Clark suspects the Ascaris worm Larva as additional cause in the lungs. Low blood sugar is closely connected with asthmatic problems -- that is why asthma attacks come during the early hours of the morning when the blood sugar level is at its lowest. Eating mucus-causing foods like the “miracle” eggs [unfertilized eggs], fresh milk [especially pasteurized milk], white flour products [white bread, cakes, pastas, etc.], acid-forming foods, the combination of milk + sugar + eggs (the recipe of death), refined vegetable cooking oil [void of Vit. E], all will worsen the situation. Other causes: Late heavy suppers, eating between meals, drinking too much water meals, etc.

(a) To correct asthmatic problems, change the diet by throwing away the causative bad foods and habits listed above, then include more water, fruit, and veggies, especially raw organic food. Start with the SENALI 7 Days Lemon Fast as shown below. This may be good for other health problems. Include 3 to 4 liters of good drinking water per day between meals.

(b) Make a tea out of the Asthma herbs given below, add honey, and drink 1 cup upon going to bed. Any time you feel an attack, take this sweet tea to stop the attack.

(c) The herbs that can help with Asthma problem, are garlic, ginger, mullein, comfrey, pepper mint, cayenne, lobelia, lemon grass, mutondo bark esp. root [Julbernadia Paniculata], sour orange – “Muhonono” or “Mutwamaila” [Terminalia Sericea] and baobab fruit – “Mubuyu” [Adonsonia digitata] for Vitamin C.

(b) Bronchitis

Bronchitis is yet another bronchial illness. Causes: “By inhaling impure air the blood is poisoned, the lungs become affected and the whole system is diseased … The air, laden with smoke and dust, with poisonous gases, and with germs of disease, is a peril to life…Satan is working in the atmosphere: he is poisoning the atmosphere, and here we are dependent upon God for our lives – our present and eternal life….He (Satan) imparts to the air a deadly taint and thousands perish by the pestilence…” E.G. White.

The sun’s rays passing through the polluted atmosphere alter some air to cause air pollution. The devil is also busy polluting the air with chemicals that cause air pollution. Bad food and habits, sleeping in air-tight rooms, breathing city smog, and pollution from cars, industries, etc. all are life-eating forces. In some cities, experts estimate that the city smog that one breathes is equivalent to smoking two packets of cigarettes a day, even if you are not a tobacco user! Dwelling at the outskirts of big cities where the wind is blowing, is still not safe. Smog affects crops, eyes and vision, the brain, and especially the respiratory system. From this information we can see that living in the country woods, far from big cities, is the best prevention of lung diseases. There is more health–giving negative ions in the woods than in the cities.

Cigarette smoking, industrial fumes, air pollution, drugs, tea, coffee, water pollution, etc. all use up vitamin C and Calcium very fast as these elements are used in neutralizing and burning up pollutants as well as toxins produced by bacteria. Reduced amounts of vitamin C and Calcium in the body will bring low immunity, slow recovery, and osteoporosis (lack of calcium in the bones – causing weak bones, bone fractures in old age; etc.). Now you can imagine: You are in a polluted large city – sleeping in air-tight rooms, eating dead food – void of vitamins and minerals – then you are a chain smoker and a drunkard! Thus bronchitis is very common among children who dwell in the industrial cities than those in the rural areas. If you can make it, strive to have a rural home where you can be evacuated in times of trouble or health breakdown.

The signs of bronchitis are breathing difficulties, itching ears and eyes, and blocked nostrils. Avoid commercial sweets and gums, sugars, much salt, all junky foods, and the bad habits listed for asthma. Hot-wet towel around the neck, chest, and spinal cord, while your legs are dipped in a dish of very warm water, will open the bronchial tube quickly. For children, sit him in a tub of very warm water while leaning backward to heat the spinal cord, while giving him/her warm herbal teas which are sweetened with honey.

Herb teas: the herbs that can help are Lemon grass, fig leaves, ginger, garlic, lobelia, cayenne, comfrey, peppermint, yarrow flowers, feverfew, mullein, etc.

(c) TB

The SENALI, chapter 12: “Tuberculosis bacilli (T.B. is caused by bacilli-form bacteria which form lesions or “tubercles” in the body, especially the lungs. These germs were originally known to attack animals not human beings. The eating of animal flesh and milk has accelerated the spread of T.B. The disease is highly infectious. It can be picked from the air we breathe in, the soil, and the water if these are contaminated. One member of the family who has it will easily share the germs with the family members.

Therefore, extra hygiene must be observed. Nearly all of us today have the tubercle bacteria. T.B. is just controlled by our immune system. The AIDS age has proved this fact to be true. When the immune system breaks down, T.B. is one of the first diseases to manifest.

The bacteria can invade any organ, especially the lungs. They establish themselves by following the dangerous worm science of using human cells for their tubercle cystic walls. In such a human cell wall fence, the white blood cells are outwitted. Therefore, the bacteria can stay freely enclosed for years to wait for the immune system to one day break down. Yes, immunity will one day break down, and the sleeping bacteria’s “signals” will inform them that it is “safe” to come out and attack! Then they can start eating your body till you are thin and die! Chemical pollution in the lungs, malnutrition, and HIV/AIDS will all weaken the immune system. Some blood appearing in the sputum is as a result of the breaking away of the tubercle and bronchiole walls – hence the bleeding.” A faulty diet of pasteurized milk, meat, unfertilized eggs, salt, and fried food -- all will cause a lot of sticky mucus. Improper dressing which exposes the body, especially the legs and arms lack of exercise in open fresh air and sunshine, sleeping in air-tight, dump and cold rooms, etc. will increase the chances of getting T.B…

“Many who are suffering from pulmonary (lung) disease might be cured if they would live in a climate where they could be out of doors most of the year. Many who have died of consumption (T.B.) might have lived if they had breathed more pure air. Outdoor air is as healing as medicine and leaves no injurious after-effects…many women have become confirmed invalids when they might have enjoyed health, and many have died of consumption (T.B) and other diseases when they might have lived their allotted term of life and had dressed in accordance with health principles, and exercised freely in the open air. – E.G. White….

“The food that can help: soya beans and its milk, ripe banana, whole potato broth, fruits, honey with lemon grass or hot lemonade plus extra virgin olive oil. Eat balanced meals. Sleep in well-ventilated sleeping rooms.

Spit in small lid containers or a handkerchief, rather than polluting the street and floors. Hot and cold fomentations on the chest back, ribs, stomach, liver, spleen and the whole length of the spinal cord can help.

The following herbs will help: garlic, ginger, comfrey, cayenne pepper, peppermint, mullein, lungwort, oregano, etc.”

(d) Pneumonia 

What it is, and its causes:

It is a lung fever, an inflammation of the lungs that comes on due to air pollution. Very cold weather can encourage pneumococcus bacteria and viruses to invade the lungs. The immune response: the lungs produce sticky mucus to try to trap the germs and try to expel the invaders out of the body. Blood spots may appear in the sputum. A faulty diet of denatured food can weaken the body's immunity. Long tobacco abuse can cause disease in older age. Serious deficiency of vitamins A, C, and Zinc minerals can cause problems.


More fresh fruits and veggies, rich in vitamins A and C. Avoid the denatured food and drinks explained in these lessons. The herbs that can help are dandelion root, Echinacea, garlic, ginger, a pinch of datura leaf (but not the poisonous seed), yellow dock, lobelia, seawater, Hot tub baths, hot herb teas, ventilated room, etc.


Avoid: Alcohol, tobacco smoking, etc. I stopped chain smoking and heavy drinking in 1980. I became a vegetarian in 1985. I knew that my body was already damaged, but by faith in the instructions of the Scriptures and determination, I moved on. To prove that smoking damages the lungs for life, I was attacked by pneumonia in July 1998 and nothing could help. It became worse and I walked to Kabwe General Hospital where I was immediately admitted. My little knowledge and vegetarian diet with faith in God’s grace, and the prayers of the brethren helped me to come out of the hospital after only 6 days of admission. My pneumonic bed neighbor told me he was admitted for 1 month when I found him. I left him there and the others I found. The doctor had written my case as severe, and to be sure I chose the paid ward, and I went on fruits and 100% fruit juices. I was discharged on the 7th day to complete the injections at our local clinic. If I was still a drunkard and heavy smoker, I could have died even earlier than 1998! Yes, the hospitals are national emergency centers. But we can elongate our lives if we lead a disease-preventive life in order to conquer diseases before they actually start! Three years later, I was attacked, and I was on injections again at a private clinic in Lusaka, and I recovered. One year later, I was again attacked! This time, I went on natural herbs, and I recovered slowly, and the disease has left me at peace up to now, I’m surprised that the common coughing and side aches in cold weather are completely forgotten! Thank God!