29 Degrees C is the perfect Temperature for a Vacation.

If you need some bright sunlight to improve your mood, pick a SunSpot travel destination you can afford and find an airline and hotel to get you there.

Sunlight Helps ( https://bit.ly/3igX6XA )

1. Increased Vitamin D - Vitamin D has some important functions in the body. It promotes reduced inflammation and modulates cell growth.

2. Improved Mood - It turns out “sunny disposition” is more than just an expression: Researchers at BYU found more mental health distress in people during seasons with little sun exposure.

3. Higher Quality Sleep - That serotonin you soak up from the sun’s rays does more than boost your mood – it might also help you get more restful sleep at night. Working in tandem with serotonin is melatonin, a chemical in your brain that lulls you into slumber and one that sun also helps your body produce.

4. Stronger Bones - Remember how we mentioned Vitamin D does some pretty important stuff for your body? Low Vitamin D has been linked to diseases like osteoporosis and rickets, and one of the most specific benefits of Vitamin D is earning stronger bones and teeth.

5. Lower Blood Pressure - When sunlight hits your skin, your body releases something called nitric oxide into your blood. This compound brings down blood pressure and improves heart health. Maintaining healthy blood pressure can reduce your risks of cardiac disease and stroke.

A sunny beach may change your mood. With a couple of clicks you can find an airline to fly you and a hotel to make your stay more enjoyable.

Nov Temp

Cyprus Flight time from London: 4.5 hours Daily high: 22°C Daily hours of sunshine: 7 Sea temperature: 22°C

Sad Lamp

Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD ) Lamp - clinically known as major depressive disorder with seasonal patterns, is a condition that causes sadness or depression when the seasons change.