Group Scout Leaders Report.

Beaver Scout Report

Cub Scout Report

Scout Section

AGM Report for 2021-2022

The Scout Troop currently has 24 Scouts and 5 linking Cubs from the pack.

We have been working on many Challenge, Activity & Staged badges throughout the year. Some we have completed and others we are still working towards.

Some of the highlights of the past year are:

· Circus Skills day at Tree Hills

· Beach Litter Pick

· An evening at F51, Folkestone’s new indoor skateboarding and scooter park.

· A Wide Game, which we called ‘BP post box’

· Summer Camp this year was a week in East Grinstead, doing lots of camping skills, activities and great time.

· Last month we had four young people complete their Expedition Challenge Hike. It took a lot of hard work and planning, but it was worth it in the end as was a great experience for them all.

I would like to say a massive Thank You to Wendy, Jenny, Daniel, Spencer, Ben and Andy, without their continued support the section would not be able deliver the program. Thank You.


Scout Leader

Explorers report 2021-22