Group Scout Leaders Report.

I would like to thank you all for coming today,

It has been nearly two years now that we haven’t been able to meet face to face.

I would like to recognise the hard work done by all our leaders of the group, our parent helpers that without their effort and time we wouldn’t have been able to provide such a good program for your children by Zoom sections or doing Badges @ Home.

I would also like to say a massive thank you to the young people and parents that supported the group throughout the pandemic.

Since the last AGM we have had a change of leadership in Beavers, Spencer Manwaring has stepped down due to work commitments and Jenny Newman as taken up the challenge. Thank you, Spencer, for all the hard work you put into running the colony; Thank you also to Julia Manwaring & Angela King that again due to work commitments left us.

I would like to congratulate all leaders that will be receiving today their Wood Beads & Special awards presented to them by our District Commissioner.

Also, would like to congratulate every Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer who this year achieved their Chief Scout Awards by working from home on many of the badges, some of them will be presented at this meeting; this is the highest Award in Scouting a young person can achieve.

Our new project for the coming year is having the outside of the Hut in Cladding and keeping the grounds safe. So, parents we will need your help with work parties for a couple of weekends, any volunteers? (we will provide bacon and burger butties and loads of tea & coffee)

As you know we are always looking for volunteers who would like to join the Group, in the sections, the Executive committee, or the fundraising, (new ideas are always welcome) & help with maintaining the hut.

Please see me afterwards for a chat if you are interested.

Finally thank you again to all the parents for supporting the Group throughout the year, the leadership, and helpers for giving up their time to give your children a full and active Covid free program.

Here is to getting back to as normal as we can.

Jacquie Wood GSL

1st Cheriton Scout Group

Beaver Scout Report

Hi, I’m Jenny, I was originally part for the Scout team but somehow I’ve ended up the new Beaver Scout Leader, I took over the section in January from Spencer, he did a fantastic job while he was there and still occasionally helps me out behind the scenes. He left some very big shoes to fill but I am really hoping I can rise to the challenge. So fingers crossed.

We started with zoom meetings at the beginning of the year and kept to the fun side, so games, scavenger hunts etc, just mainly to keep in touch with the young people during covid. We were finally able to go back to face to face meetings in April which has been such a pleasure to see everyone get back together, making new friends, being outside, having fun, and learning lots of new skills.

I am pleased to say we currently have 25 members, with an ever growing waiting list. We also have 4 Beaver Scouts that will soon be linking in our Cub section and another few to go up over the next few months. So good luck and well done to them.

I am so proud to say, that our Beaver Scouts have been working so hard and been busy with their badge work and since April there has been over 50 activity and staged badges awarded. Well done. We are working on several badges at the moment which include Emergency Aid, Camp craft, Faith, Outdoor challenge and many more. We are planning our first overnight camp for next month where they will sleep outside in tents, do a bit of cooking on an open fire and hopefully learn lots of camping skills and earn a badge or two that weekend as well.

We also have some fun Christmas surprises planned for December, and we have some district events planned for next year already, it’s all very exciting and I am looking forward to all of that.

I want to thank Daphne and Jacquie and my young helpers Alex and Immy for their help last term, I couldn’t have run the meetings without them and their support. I want to thank the ever continuing help and advice from Leaders in the other sections, all of them have been brilliant, especially Paul from the Scout Section, he’s been my rock, my mentor and always, without a doubt answers my 101 questions! So thank you all.

And lastly, I want to thank all my beaver scouts for being fantastic! They make all the hard work worth it.

I’ve really enjoyed the last few months with the colony and look forward to the next year.

Jenny Newman - BSL

Scout Section

AGM Report for 2019-2021

We currently we have 21 Scouts and 2 linking from the Cub pack and 2 newbies.

Firstly, I would like to say a big Thank You to Wendy, Daniel, Carl, Andy, Ben, Jenny and Rosie. Not forgetting all the parents & supporters for their help over the past two- and a-bit years. Thank You.

Summer Camp 2019 – a great week in Scotland at the Lockgolhead Scout Centre doing lots of activities.

Then in October 2019 we had the sudden passing of Stuart Bailey our Scout Leader.

We will all remember him in our own special ways and he will always be with us in everything we do in scouting?

Thank you to everyone for their support to refocus the troop and help us carry on in true Scouting style.

In March six scouts completed their Expedition Challenge after a lot of hard work and planning.

We then all found ourselves having to deal with something that they were calling Covid 19 and no more face to face scouting.

In April 2020 we started virtual scouting by ZOOM a whole new experience for us all. In the 13 months of zoom we clocked up 46 sessions.

We did Scavenger hunts, quizzes, games, knots, jelly baby towers, cooking pancakes, pizzas, chocolate tiffin & crispy cakes and a number of activity badges and held our annual awards evening, which we will be presenting later on.

Since we returned to face to face scouting, we have done lots of practical scouting, badge work, but mainly enjoying each other’s company and having fun with Monty the dog, who has also had a great time.

Paul - Scout Leader

Explorers report 2021

Well, its nice to be back to face to face scouting after months of zoom meetings…..and having to tell the kids to turn on their cameras!!! But its now turned into ‘have you sanitized your hands’!

The Explorer section is currently a small group of only 10 members as we lost quite a few during the lockdown. We started back with 6 weeks of greatly missed scouting skills, and after going through 3 fire strikers, a ton of wood and a bit of cotton wool (that ben knew nothing about) some pioneering, tent pitching and axe work, they finished the last week by cooking a fantastic chicken casserole. However, some carrot peeling practice is definitely needed for the future.

In the run up to Christmas, we have included some badgework and various fun activities, some of which include, rock climbing, pioneering swing challenge, rifle shooting, backwoods cooking and our traditional Explorer Christmas dinner.

In the early part of next year, we are planning a survival camp weekend where the Explorers will go back to basics and fend for themselves (with some help of course). We have also planned for the Explorers to be making progress towards their chief scout awards.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Lottie, Bill, and Matt for all your help with our section’s activities.

Sue & Ben