What We Wear & Badges

What Beavers wear

Beaver uniform consists of a Blue sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and our 'necker’ to represent 1st Cheriton group.

They are to wear plain navy blue or black bottoms, skirts, shorts, or trousers.

There are lots of other optional accessories you can wear such as hats, hoodies, if you’d like to.

We also advise walking boots or walking shoes as these are designed to protect their feet better while out walking and doing some of the activities. But again, I understand we can’t always do this, so strong sturdy trainers will do, preferably black or blue.

Please also make sure everything is named, as things do get taken of and we can’t always tell who’s is who’s.

Why uniform is important

Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means you can run around and get messy without ruining your other clothes. It makes you feel part of a team. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out. And it gives you a place to show off all the brilliant badges you earn.

Where you can buy the uniform

Uniform can either be bought from the online Scout Store or from our local supplier, 4Adventurers. If you’re stuck, ask the Leaders to tell you more about what to buy and where to buy it. If cost is an issue, again, please speak to the Leaders.

Here's where to sew on those badges..

County / District Badge and Group Name Tape

Challenge Badges

These can be placed in any order as long as they follow this pattern. The Chief Scouts Bronze Award/Badge will be placed above these and can be carried onto the next section.

Membership and Occasional Badges

The membership badge needs to be placed here. The occasional badges can go anywhere in the top left hand collar bone area and usually can only be worn for 3 months.

Activity and Staged Badges

Again, can be placed anywhere on the left-hand sleeve, its nice to place in a pattern, but doesn’t need to be. Only the highest staged badges and carried onto the next section.

Joining In Badges

These are placed above the membership badge. Only the highest number is carried onto the next section.

Extra badges

These badges and the JOTT badge can be worn here, but no more than the latest two that have been awarded.

Badges that should not be on the uniform anymore

These badges are now out of date and can no longer be worn on their uniform. Any old badges can be transferred onto their camp blanket.