Britannia Explorers

About Britannia Explorer Unit

We are part of 1st Cheriton Scout Group from Folkestone & Hythe District, Kent. Explorer scout were meant to be run at a district level in the scouting movement, but the units within Folkestone & Hythe District work better as within their groups.

We meet on a Tuesday, between 7:00 and 9:30 p.m. at 1st Cheriton Headquarters.

Britannia and 1st Cheriton has a very good history of our group members attending the World Jamboree's

Britannia Explorer Rules

• Full uniform to be worn for meetings at the start and finish of evening (Black, navy or khaki trousers, black shoes/boots) no jeans or trainers. Unit Neckers to be rolled correctly.

• Arrive at meetings and events before 7pm, ready to be on parade by 7pm

• All newly issued badges to be sewn on by the next meeting.

• A change of clothes must be brought to change into for activities. 

• All mobile phones, MP3 players and all other electrical devices to be turned off at the gate and put away. If a parent has to contact you, they have the leader’s phone numbers to do so.

• Please show respect for your leaders. They give up their free time to run the explorer meetings FOR YOU.

• No smoking is permitted on any scouting activities.

• No bringing or consuming of alcohol on any scouting activities.

• No participating in the use or possession of any illegal substances.

• No bullying (Examples: Cyber, Physical, Verbal, Sexist, Homophobic)

• You must show respect to all property in and out of the hut. If anything is damaged or destroyed you will be charged for it. 

• No swearing will be tolerated in the unit. There is a swear box in place where you will be asked to pay 50p every time it happens. If it persists it will be considered as a strike. This does include your leadership team as well.

We are bringing in a 3 strike policy. Where if you are warned 3 times during an evening for any break in any of the rules above, your parents will be contacted, and you will be asked to leave the premises. Strikes start fresh every weekly meeting. If you persistently get 3 strikes, you may be asked to leave the unit for a period of time. This may include any future scouting activities. (Leaders vote on the time of absence)

We are also implementing a four week absence rule. Whereby if you are absent for four consecutive weeks with no attempt made to contact a leader in charge, either by phone or the Britannia ESU Facebook page, you will be removed from the register, and presumed that you have left the explorer group.


At 1st Cheriton we work with a Standing Orders for Subscriptions  

Whilst your child is a Explorer (new young person) for the first four weeks you can pay for 4 weeks in cash @ £3.50 a week allowing to see if he likes coming to our meetings. 

The weekly payment will cover for his insurance while on the premises, payment must be done attendance or non-attendance and has the child will not be insured and would breaking our insurance terms if we're not receiving subs for the complete period a child is with us.   

After 4 weeks could I please ask you to set up the Standing Order for £10 per month at your earliest convenience or on your pay day and this will be collected monthly.  

Once you have set up the Standing Order if you could let the leader know and we can advise the Treasurer who checks the bank statements and confirms back to us it is all been done.

We do have two options:

Full annual subscription of £120.00 by cheque or cash


12 monthly continual payments by standing order of £10.00 per month 

(Until your child no longer attends the Group)

Scouts coming up to Explorers, information is given to the treasurer by the sectional leader and subs are transferred.