Welcome to the 1st Cheriton website. Here you will find news and information about events for the whole of the 1st Cheriton Scout Group.  For information on the sections within the Group please select an item from the menu.

Come and join our adventure and support your Scout Group


We want to invite you to experience the fun and adventure that Scouting offers your children, as well as offering the opportunity to make a difference by helping our Scout Group thrive.

 We fully understand that you may not be able to help on a regular basis but we do need your help to be able to run our Beaver / Cub /Scout/ Explorer nights successfully

 At the moment, we are looking for help in the Beavers and Scout sections, it is struggling as we haven’t got the help needed so we can provide a good program. So if you can spare a few hours on a Wednesday  afternoon or a Friday evening to come and get involved with the Beavers or Scouts we would be very grateful. 

 We could do a parent Rota if possible which means you can make a difference and help without having to do so every week, if lots of parents are on the Rota then your commitment may only be once or twice a month and you might enjoy the activities and events. The more parents we can get involved the more exciting our activities and events can be. 

 As a helper on the parent Rota you will be asked to assist with hikes, badge work and other activities. You will be guided by the leaders in the section and you will be a valuable part of the team. You will need to undertake a DBS check. 

 If you do have any questions, then please come and speak to one of us at the beginning or end of a session or give me a call on 01303277429 or Email 1stcheriton@gmail.com for more details.

 We are also looking for a maintenance crew, looking after the hut.  If you think you could spare a few hours a week please contact me on the numbers above.

 Thank you for taking the time to read this.

 Yours in scouting

 Jacquie Wood

Group Scout Leader 1st Cheriton Scout Group.

Roverway 2024

We have two Explorers heading to Norway during roverway 2024.

Roverway is a European event for Scouts and Guides aged 16-22, which takes place every 3-6 years.

The next Roverway will take place in Norway in summer 2024, and our UK Contingent includes participants, International Service Team (IST) and Contingent Management Team (CMT).

Please support us in raising money by just shopping online. Join and if the shop you are buying from is on their list you will be asked to donate to the group click and they do the rest. thank you


Think big. Dream wild. Act together 

The World Scout Jamboree (WSJ) is a World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) event, it happens every four years, each time hosted by a different country. We’re so proud that thousands of UK young people aged 14 to 17 and their leaders will in South Korea and we’ll call ourselves the UK Contingent.  

Our Contingent are more than just travel buddies, they are planners, fundraisers, motivators and mentors. We’ve got a lot to achieve in a short time but we’ll leap at the challenge as we… Think big. Dream wild. Act Together.  

We don’t just dream. We act. 

We dream about a sustainable world, where everyone’s welcome. But we’re not just about dreaming, Scouts want to see action too. Our UK Contingent won’t silently creep round global issues, we’ll be trailblazers for getting young voices heard…you’re gonna hear us roar.  

We know that dreams come true when we work together.

                                                                                                          1st Cheriton Scout Group 2020—  Registered Charity No. 303384