
This information was created by CHATGPT & I have added events as I learned about them.  Links are saved at the top of this page or by clicking on the Hamburger Icon in the top left corner.  If you disbelieve any of this content, let me know.  Formation of The Earth is believed to be 4.54 Billion Years Old. 

========= Topics needing Research =====

Anunnaki came 450,000 years ago

Gobekli tebe turkey

Harmonic Alchem book

Codex esoterica book

Derinkuyu underground Town in Turkey-

Mexico city Teotihuacan pyramid

China Longyou caves

First homo sapient at omo etheopia 190,000 yrs old

Parthian Empire in Egypt

Sudan kerma site

Lost underwater city near Bari Islands

Near Columbian Amazon hidden city 12500 yo

Sacsayhuaman Peru

Cicada 3301 code on the dark web

3000 yo palace in Syria

Kemet is ancient Giza pyramid name

Devils Hole in Nevada

The land of Kh Egypt

Enki ta & his son Ra Marduk

2 million yo  olduvai gorge Tanzania j

Lake Titacaca door in rock

Actun tunichil Muknal belize

Eridanus Void is a space void

Lemura continent

Tartarian Empire Civilization harness energy

The great Ziggurat Stargate

Book:  the epic of Gilgamesh

Samaritan tablet showing 10 lost tribes of Israel

The yellow book

Pharaoh khufu journal

Tartarian empire

Iggygi workers 600

Anunnaki came 450,000 years ago from Niberu planet

Gobekli tebe turkey

Harmonic Alchem book

Codex esoterica book

Derinkuyu underground Town in Turkey-

Mexico city Teotihuacan pyramid

China Longyou caves

First homo sapient at omo etheopia 190,000 yrs old

Parthian Empire in Egypt

Sudan kerma site

Lost underwater city near Bari Islands

Near Columbian Amazon hidden city 12500 yo

Sacsayhuaman Peru

Cicada 3301 code on the dark web

3000 yo palace in Syria

Kemet is ancient Giza pyramid name

Devils Hole in Nevada

The land of Kh Egypt

Enki ta & his son Ra Marduk

2 million yo  olduvai gorge Tanzania j

Lake Titacaca door in rock

Actun tunichil Muknal belize

Eridanus Void is a space void

Lemura continent

The book of Ramadosh

The book of Enoch

The oracle chamber in malta

Dvarka under water city in India

Nibiru planet where anunnaki came from

Ahiki workers next to Anunnaki

Dodecahedron found around world

Haunebu craft

Duran key

Black knight satellite orbiting for 13,000 years

In a boots void

Laghima anti gravitational force

Caral Americas oldest city

Nabta Playa is stone circle in Sahara desert

New Grange Ireland older than Stonehenge

Newgrange built in 3200 BC

Book: Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael A Cremo

Shabaka Stone in British Museum

Tartarian Empire

Coso artifact sark plug

Benben pyramid

Barabudur pyramid in India

Heracleion sunken Egyptian city

Andromedan race


Stanton T. Friedman - UFO Authority

David Grusch - UFO whistleblower 


The book of Ramadosh - Max de Lafayette

Jacques F. Vallée Books =

Leslie Kean Book = UFOs

The epic of Gilgamesh book

The Ten Lost Tribes Book 

Conspiracy Theories

Tartarian Empire Civilization - can harness energy from air

Tartarian Empire Civilization - can harness energy from air

Great Ziggurat of Ur  = built during the Early Bronze Age in Iraq

The Anunnaki Gods brought 600 Igigi workers as servants to work 24 hrs per day.


YouTube - Richard Dolan Videos =

YouTube - Jesse Michels =

YouTube - The Nabataeans - The Final Days Of Petra" 

YouTube - James Fox Documentary " The Phenomenon "

YouTube - The CIA Scientist Who Built UFOs -


Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry Journal