transfer Into a new AFSC 

Step 1. Check vacancies. If there is a different job you're interest in, contact me at and I can find out if we are expecting any other openings in that specific AFSC. (Step 1 and 2 are pretty interchangeable).

Step 2. Talk with your chain of command about your goals and intention. Your Commander can say no to a career change request. This may occur for a variety of reasons. Getting their approval on the front end of the process is VERY critical. 

Step 3. Verify your ASVAB qualifications meet the standards for the job.  You can find your ASVAB scores on your Career Data Brief. Once you know your ASVAB scores, you can check to see if you're eligible for the new jobs you're interested here:  ASVAB Scores For Air Force AFSCs. Lastly, you can also see if the new job you're interested in has a Re-Class Bonus here.

Step 4. If your chain of command supports the move, set up a career tour with the new job. This may mean connecting with ROM to get contact info, or you can walk over to the job and schedule time with them that way. In this step you'll want to check your assumptions at the door. Ask the gaining unit clarifying questions, such as report time, end time, what does the job entail, what is a typical duty day, are there promotion opportunities, how often is there a deployment, etc...The gaining unit will also, at this time, have the opportunity to clarify their expectations for you, if you were to join the team. 

Step 5. Once you find the new job, check in with me to let me know if you have other questions about the job; We'll also review your incentive file to see impact to any current incentives you are in. Additionally, I'll ask that you have verified commander support from both the Losing and Gaining in this step. If everything checks out and you want to transfer jobs, I'll start working your Career Change Worksheet.