enlisted Affiliation Bonus


Retention office managers do not enlist Active Duty transfers. Please contact the Recruiting Team for that.

Ref. FY25 Operational Guidance



STATE LOCAL ENLISTED (Not to be confused with the State Reenlistment Bonus)

To qualify for this incentive, applicants must:

Have less than 16 years total military service from their Pay Date as of the date of their enlistment

• Affiliate with the ANG for a period six years in an incentive-eligible AFSC that is identified on the current NATIONAL

ENLISTED INCENTIVE AFSC LIST or the current STATE LOCAL ENLISTED INCENTIVE AFSC LIST approved for the unit to which the applicant will be assigned

• Be assigned to an incentive-eligible AFSC that does not exceed the authorized assignment percentage maximum as prescribed in the FY25 Strength Management Initiatives

• Agree to become a qualified 3-skill level in the AFSC. MILPDS screen of Projected/Completed training source document.

(Refer to Administrative Requirements, Attachment 8)

• Be entering the ANG directly from any active-duty component or from IRR after previously serving on active duty. (Last period of service cannot be ANG)

• Not be a Palace Chase participant

• Member must not be in excess

• Provide DD-214s and/or NGB-22s for all previous periods of military service; all periods of service must be honorable

• Be a drill status member and not be enlisting to qualify for a permanent full-time position where federal law requires membership in the ANG as a condition of employment (AGR or Technician)

• Not previously received an Affiliation Bonus in any Selected Reserve component

• Not have received, or be entitled to receive, readjustment pay, severance pay, or separation pay from any component

• Possess a high school diploma or equivalent

• Execute the appropriate written agreement with an effective date that matches the date of enlistment