Descriptive vs evaluative reflections

Below is a reflection that is DESCRIPTIVE - it says WHAT the person did:

I collected materials that my family had saved for my project.  I began watching youtubes on how to make simple shopping bags and chose two designs that I thought were best and practiced them both.  I liked the reversible design best and began working out the pattern.  I made a prototype and  I then cut the pieces for 10 bags and began sewing.  I have 7 left to complete.

Below is an EVALUATIVE reflection - it discusses HOW the learning outcomes/goals are being met:

I feel good about addressing the ethics LO by accumulating used materials with which to make a new product that are meant to prevent further waste by reducing the use of plastic shopping bags.  I researched patterns for sewing and I chose one that I thought made the strongest product that would last a long time and also provides variety by being reversible.  To engage with the issue of global significance, I have researched the impact that reusable bags have made on reducing plastic waste and how many fewer metric tonnes might enter the ocean as a result of these efforts.  I am also inspired to begin learning how to tailor clothes to fit better or remake clothing items from old clothes.  This will help reduce fast-fashion consumption and further my engagement with the global issue of reducing solid domestic waste.