Upcoming SA & CAS opportunities

April 2024

September 2023

[ Health and Well-Being Hackathon for Youth] 

On October 21-22, YOU  have the possibility to take your knowledge and skills into action, by participating in a Youth Hackathon at Hetch, Helsingborg Tech Hub https://www.hetch.se/.  

ISH teacher Yvette Larsson, through the Learning and Innovation concept AHA! is organizing the third youth hackathon, where young people connect, collaborate, and explore solutions to areas that are important for young people, this time WELL-BEING. In previous years it was "Peace-Keepers and Game-Changers" at H22/Hex, and  "The Future of Education is Now".  

All hackathons connect well with the IB mission of making the world a better place and the ISH vision of inspiring action by modeling action. 

This is what you need to do if you wish to participate:

1) Check out the invite for more details (on Mbac)

2) Submit a team of three highly self-driven people to yvette.larsson@helsingborg.se by next Tuesday the 3rd of October  ( that's the deadline ). 

Ms Larsson would need the names of all three of you + your emails. 

3) Meet up online on October 8, when we will have an onboarding meeting, where you will also get the six hackathon challenges.

Hope to see you there!

The Hackathon serves as a catalyst for youth empowerment to build skills that can support young people to build thriving, inclusive, and sustainable societies, focusing on well-being

Check out our new webpage + more info about the hackathon 

TEDˣ Helsingborg


TEDX Helsingborg are looking for the next inspiring speakers who would like to share the stage and present ideas worth spreading during the next TEDxHelsingborg in September 2023. 

You can nominate yourself or someone else to become a TEDx Speaker and delivers a TEDx Talk. A great TEDx Talk shares a great and well-formed idea; it could be something that’s new and surprising; an idea or invention that your audience has never heard about. Or it could be a great basic idea that we might have heard before but with a compelling new argument behind it that challenges beliefs and perspectives.

Nominate the next TEDxHelsingborg speaker before 26 May using this link:


Some guidelines to consider before applying:

 All talks should comply with TEDx Content Guidelines and Copyright Guidelines.

 No bad science -- Scientific claims by speakers should be based on data that has survived scrutiny by experts in the field. Speakers should be transparent about the basis for any factual claims, and the scientific evidence for them.

 No talks with an inflammatory political or religious agenda, nor polarising “us vs them” language.

 No commercial agenda -- Speakers cannot promote their own products, books, or businesses, or those of a company which employs them. Talks can only feature technology, product demos, or books that inform an idea presented in a talk.

 A TEDx event is not a platform for motivational speakers and professional life coaches.

#tedx #Ted #TEDxHelsingborg #TEDxtalk #TEDxSpeaker #Helsingborg