
House Standings as of 16 February

1 - Black - Pardus House - Panthers: 100

2 - Dark Green - Potensive Path - Pythons: 135

3 - Yellow - The Wasps of Woe - Wasps: 92

4 - Light Blue - Sharknados - Sharks: 118

5 - Pink - Regalmore: 99

6 - Red - Phoenix Flamers! - Phoenixes: 108

7 - Bright Green - Apteryx - Kiwis: 102

⭐️ 8 - Dark Blue - Arcanum - Cerebus The Hound of Hades: 154 ⭐️

9 - Purple - Cheshire -Raptor: 101

10 - White - ISH Airlines - Sea Serpent: 98

How can I help my House earn more points?

Have any other ideas? Bring them to your House teachers or mentors!