

To make your job a little bit easier we prepared 3 podcast script examples that you can use to structure your arguments after you look at what are podcasts. You are not obligated to use it but if you don’t know how to structure your podcast  this is here to help. The scripts change based on the type of Podcast you want to have. These templates are just a guide and feel free to make changes that suit your Podcast better. MAKE SURE THEY FOLLOW THE CRITERIA!


This type of Podcast is perfect to use when it comes to structuring your arguments for the podcast. In this example, you can summarise key notes from your actual podcast script to have with you when you record. You can have more or less Sections but make sure you have at least two for variety. And you choose the duration for each one depending on your ideas.

Fully scripted (with another person) 

To have a word for word draft can be a good option for audio dramas and solo-shows but it takes time and practice to make the reading of the script sound natural. Make sure to write laughs, pauses, off script comments, and anything that will not make you sound stilted. A disadvantage of this type is that it does not allow any mistakes and could take more time to edit.


If you are a beginner as a solo-host it is time and energy saving to have a detailed outline. For each main point write key points, supporting data and anything that can help you. keep a conversational tone and try not to sound like you are just reading some points. Keep the audience engaged.

Look at these babes’ templates they have -  we copied but we changed the wording.How to Write a Podcast Script [8 Free Script Templates]