Year 1

Exploring Sound

Musicians use instruments responsibly and creatively to add expression to their performances


We are learning:

  • About percussion instruments, how they are made and how they work
  • New Songs
  • How to use our voices and instruments in expressive ways


We want to understand:

  • Responsibility and how we must use instruments appropriately
  • Perspective and how we can use instruments to express different ideas and feelings


We will achieve this by using:

  • Research skills:
    • Observing
    • Asking questions
    • Gathering and analysing data
  • Self-management:
    • Following directions
    • Observing rules
    • Making informed choices

We started our inquiry asking questions about the instruments in the music room. We wanted to know what they are made of (Form), how you can play them (Function) and what they sound like when you play them softly or loud (Perspective). We are using our research skills to create an instruments catalogue with all the information we are gathering:

Instruments catalogue.docx

We watched a very interesting video that showed us how djembes are made in Africa. We discussed all the materials used, the process and how there are different people involved in doing different jobs to complete each instrument.

We practised our research skills, by using all our senses to gather and organise information:

Research 1.mp4
Research 2.mp4
Research 3.mp4

We demonstrated our learning by showing that we can use our instruments responsibly, by playing them at the right time and in the correct way; and creatively, by connecting them to specific elements of our songs:

Rabbits Year 1.mp4