Rebecca Cogswell, M.D.

Rebecca Cogswell ( completed internal medicine residency, chief residency, and cardiology fellowship at the university of California, San Francisco and then moved to Minnesota for her fellowship in advanced heart failure. While at UCSF she completed a year of advanced clinical research training. She is starting her sixth year as faculty and she is the medical Director of mechanical circulatory support. She is a reviewer for Circulation, Circulation Heart Failure, Journal of Heart Lung Transplantation and several other journals as well as reviewer for the AHA and ISHLT annual meetings. Dr. Cogswell’s research focus is outcome prediction in patients receiving mechanical support. She developed the University of Minnesota LVAD database which has yielded 8-14 accepted abstracts as well as several publications per year since its creation. She is presently writing an R01 grant to study skeletal muscle mass quantity and quality by chest CT Scan as novel and accurate predictors of outcome after LVAD implantation. She led the momentum 3 clinical trial along with PI Dr. Ranjit John, which led to a top 10 enrollment position in the country. She is Principal Investigator on several heart failure and LVAD related clinical trials. In 2017, she was appointed to the Medtronic Heart failure Advisory Board and is on the speaker’s Bureau for Medtronic and Abbott Lab. At present she is also seeing all amyloid and sarcoid patients at the University of Minnesota and is the Medical Director of the core and HFpEF clinics.

Several representative publications include:

  • Teigen L, John, R, Kuchnia A Nagel E Erthman C, Kealhofer Martin C, Cogswell, R. Pre-Operative Pectoralis Muscle Quantity and Attenuation by Computed Tomography are Novel and Powerful Predictors of Mortality after Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation. Circulation Heart failure-under final revision. July 2017.

  • Cogswell R, Norby F, Gottesman R, Chan YL, Solomon S, Shah A, Alonso A. High Prevalence of Sub-Clinical Cerebral Infarctions in Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction. European Journal of Heart Failure. July 2017.

  • Masri SC, Tedford RJ, Colvin MM, Leary PJ, Cogswell R. Pulmonary Arterial Compliance Improves Rapidly After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation. ASAIO J. 2017 Mar/Apr;63(2)139-143.

  • Cogswell R, Smith E, Hamel A, Bauman L, Herr A, Duval S, John R, Roman D, Adatya S, Colvin-Adams M, Garry D, Martin C, Missov E, Pritzker M, Roberts J, Eckman P. Substance Abuse at the Time of Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation is Associated with Increased Mortality. Journal of Heart Lung Transplant. Oct 2014.

Available research projects include the following:

  • Any projects involving outcomes of LVAD patients at the University of Minnesota

  • Sarcoidosis database related projects