#3 – Line of Separation & 

#4 – Perimeter Buffer Area


Defining lines of separation and perimeter buffer areas

An established line of separation and perimeter buffer area plays a significant role in reducing the amount of pathogens entering and leaving poultry premises.

Line of Separation (LOS)

The LOS is defined as a functional line separating housing and the birds inside (the clean side) from exterior or outside disease exposure (the dirty side). A common LOS are the walls of the barn, brooder or netting of flight pens. You will likely have many lines of separation on your farm.  

Your plan needs to show, on a map, where your lines of separation are.  Your plan also needs to describe the procedures required when any person crosses the LOS upon entry or exit. 

Perimeter Buffer Area (PBA)

The PBA serves a similar purpose; however, it refers to a functional boundary surrounding the farm site that separates animal barns from areas unrelated to animal production. The poultry houses, raising areas, nearby structures, and high traffic areas related to daily functions should all be included in the Perimeter Buffer Area. Your house or equipment sheds may be outside of the PBA, since they are directly unrelated to poultry production occurring on the site.

Just like the LOS, your biosecurity plan needs to show, on a map, where the PBA is on your premise.  The procedures expected to occur when crossing the PBA also need to be clearly written in your plan.  You may have different protocols for crossing the PBA for caretakers, visitors, vendors and service providers.

Both of these biosecurity features need to be clearly described or illustrated in your biosecurity plan. An easy way to diagram the line of separation and perimeter buffer area on your farm is to outline an aerial image of your farm site. Watch the video below to learn how to create a diagram for your farm.

Aerial of a farm site with marked biosecurity boundaries


This video will show you step-by-step how to outline an aerial image of a farm site using a computer that has an internet connection for Google maps. 

A full demonstration using a Windows computer starts at 2:32 and an Apple version is demonstrated starting at 5:57.