Getting Started

Introduction to NPIP audits

Please download and familiarize yourself with the documents available below. I will be summarizing and referring to them throughout the video series as we walk through each NPIP biosecurity principle. 

At minimum, read them once, they will be helpful as your prepare your plan and gather audit documentation.

NPIP Documents


NPIP Program Standard E – Biosecurity Principles


Biosecurity Principles Audit Guidelines


Biosecurity Principles Audit Form

Drafting your biosecurity plan

Use this template as a starting point when drafting your biosecurity plan for your farms.

Biosecurity Plan Template.docx
Biosecurity Plan Template_Spanish.docx

Contact information to provide

Before an audit, the Minnesota Board of Animal Health needs to be able to contact you. They already have contact information for most Minnesota premises, but need to know ideally who the best person is to contact in order to conduct this audit. The Board of Animal Health website hosts a Biosecurity Premise Audit Information Form.

The Board and Minnesota Poultry Testing Laboratory request all producers complete this form and send to the address on the front page.

This form helps to gather further information about site addresses, contact information, and which farms should be included in one, single biosecurity plan.  
