#6 Wild Birds, Rodents, and Insects


You will encounter wild birds, rodents, and insects on your farms. They can potentially be vectors for disease. Recognizing and addressing these vectors can help you prevent disease transmittance from affecting your flocks.  The NPIP Biosecurity audit requires that you provide documentation for the implementation and maintenance of your control plans.

Watch time 2:19


Resources and templates associated with the reading are provided below.

Wild bird, rodent, and insect control

What are your current control measures to prevent contact your production birds have with wild birds, their feces and feathers? What are your current measures to control rodents, insects and other animals that may come on your premises? 

In periods of heightened disease risk this principle is important to review and adjust your programs as necessary to further protect your flock.

Gull flying

Record keeping

Documenting implementation and all maintenance of your control programs is necessary and can help self-assess your current practices. These documents can also aid in identifying improvement opportunities or address related challenges that arise. Appropriate documentation may include:


Record Keeping Templates

4 - Pest control record.pdf

Pest Control Record

1 - Biosecurity Plan Review record.pdf

Biosecurity Plan Review Record