
'The Refugee Situation in Malaysia’

26th May 2023 - 3pm-5pm

Venue: Dewan Kuliah F, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya 

Organized by REFAman Project, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)

The REFAman project is a SULAM project implemented by students from the Department of International and Strategic Studies, University of Malaya to meet the requirements of the AIX1005 course for this semester. With a focus on SDG4 (Quality Education) and SDG16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), this project aims to help refugees seeking refuge in Malaysia through educational activities that can foster tolerance, understanding and peace between local youth and refugee youth in Malaysia. 

In line with this goal, one of the activities that will be organised is a forum on the refugee situation in Malaysia. This forum is for anyone who wants to know Malaysia's efforts in dealing with issues related to refugees, especially for young refugees including children and youth. Panel discussions will also include what can be done to help young refugees while they are in Malaysia without neglecting the needs or straining the resources of our country as well. 


Name of Speakers: 

Kirjane Ngu

Senior Research Executive from Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS)

Joshua Teh

Senior Protection Associate (Policy & Advocacy - GBV & Child Protection) at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Heidy Quah

Founder and Director at Refuge For The Refugees

Mode of Event: Hybrid, 

In-person attendance is encouraged, but an online platform will be provided for those who are not able to attend in-person.

Link: The link will be generated and sent to the participants and 

any partners a day before the event (25th May 2023). 

Participants Fee: Free

Resgistration Link: Forum: The Refugee Situation in Malaysia 

For any enquiries, please email: 

Kuhaneetha Bai ( / )