Research Proposal

UWP001 Research Proposal


Coming up with a research paper was sort of challenging. It's intimidating to think of picking a topic and then sticking with it and then finding a lot of literature to help you with your findings. It's important to find and research a topic that truly interests you and the research will be a very fun process!

One of the main challenges I faced when writing this research proposal was finding a topic that all students at UC Davis or other universities could benefit or relate to. Ultimately, I came down to addressing the lack of adaptations in our education system as an issue that needs to be addressed. I believe that the benefits from utilizing applications in Web 3.0 can drastically change our education system and students learning outcomes will greatly benefit.

Additionally, I had issues with finding scholarly sources but I was able to find one source that really encapsulated what I was trying to research. Then, I was able to look at the sources that they utilized and go from there. I'm very excited to see how my research paper develops and am eager to start. I learned that conducting research is no easy task. It takes a lot of time and work but my paper will provide answers to how that time can be limited and how future research can benefit from Web 3.0 and its applications.