Blog IX

The Rough Draft

Alright gang, last one! The Craft of Research by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. William investigates the importance of finishing off rough drafts. I think it's important to write rough drafts and to be able to give time to let your rough draft ideas marinate. The idea of "Let your Draft Cool, Then Paraphrase It" is very important and I think many writers need to take this into consideration when writing their papers. This was something I did in this class and I think it helped me drastically when writing the research paper for this class.
We took time after out outline, which was sort of our draft, and then we took a break and then we were finally able to write our research rough draft. This allowed me to better formulate my ideas and I was able to write up my rough draft from my outline very quickly. This proved to be a great strategy and the authors of this paper really took into consideration how readers like to write and read. Think like a reader is what they said!
Thanks for reading my final blog post and I'm glad that this quarter was so much fun in this class, until next time!