Research Article

UWP001 Final: Research


Additionally, the process of writing this research paper seemed to happen so suddenly. Once the outline was written, I already felt like I had a good base for where I wanted to go when writing this paper. This just teaches me the importance of breaking down big papers into small and manageable steps so when writing the final paper it is much more manageable and less intimidating.

Throughout the process of writing this research paper on Web 3.0 and its applications, I learned a variety of useful skills that is essential in writing a strong research paper. I learned the importance of conducting a survey, crafting survey questions to answer your research question, the importance of making outlines and drafts, and how to use the literature of other authors to support my own paper. Although it took a while to finally write the final draft, the process of breaking down research into steps makes writing a research paper simpler.

I had difficulties with initially finding up to date sources but with Google Scholar, I was able to find reliable sources to help answer my research question. I did change my research question after I conducted my survey because I began to worry that I wasn't properly answering my research question with the data I was given. It was best for me to change it slightly, to target my audience - UC Davis undergraduate students.

My overall experience with writing this paper was beneficial. I learned the importance of many skills in research. I was also able to research a topic I am interested in and how it could impact students at UC Davis. Ultimately, I enjoyed researching my topic and diving into the world of technology.