Blog IV

Seeing isn't always believing

Hi everyone! Welcome to my fourth blog. This week our blog was on finding credible sources and the relevancy of disinformation when finding reliable sources. The authors provided plentiful information on how to find reliable sources and included a well-known site called Snopes. Snopes is a fact checking website that is, for the most part, unbiased.

I think it's important to have knowledge of sites like this, especially in our day and age. Technology is becoming much more prevalent and information is easier to access than ever before. As such, the authors then describe the difference between recognizing primary and secondary sources in literature while reading laterally in order to recognize bias and to find different perspectives.

This will be important in our research project to make sure our sources are not biased and they contain reliable information. I think it's important to note that there are so many different perspectives to a single topic and this article throughly covered how we can be aware and look for the different perspectives. Furthermore, the paper highlights how different news sources are influenced by political views. I feel like this can also be applied to a lot of research papers and that is important to see and take note when conducting research.