Blog II

Joseph M. Williams

In "The Craft of Research" the author, Joseph Williams carefully crafts a formula of how to choose a research topic. By first identifying multiple interests and narrowing down the topics to those of most substance and "passion" one is able to find a topic of interest.

How does everything fit together? One might ask themself when choosing a research topic.

How can I become involved with my research?
Will I have enough to write about?

I believe that Williams' strategy is very applicable and is a formula to ultimately choose a captivating topic to write about. Captivating for the writer because at the end of the day, a research paper is for your own knowledge but you can choose to share that with others.

Through personal experience, I understand and relate to the importance of writing a research paper that I'm passionate about. I remember once in high school I was assigned a research paper about something related to climate change. Yes, climate change is important! The effects of carbon emissions on the environment are important! However, I wasn't passionate about it and robotically wrote a basic research paper, with already known knowledge and simply did it for the grade.

I aspire to one day write a research paper that has my full interest. The thought of that excites me and the thought of implementing WIlliams' strategy for this course makes me thrilled to write a research paper of my own choice!

Echoing his strategy of choosing a topic of 'passion' and of interest - this method can also be applied to pursuing future careers. One can write down many interests, narrow it down, and choose the one most captivating. I'm thoroughly convinced that this method can lead a lifetime of fullfillment.