Blog III

Feedback in Writing

As Grauman argues, receiving feedback is "hard to do well." Just as writing is a skill that is constantly worked on and improved upon, taking in constructive feedback is also a skill that takes time and practice to understand well.

In highschool, I'm sure we have all received a peer review comment stating: "delete," "rephrase," or "too wordy." The amount of times I've read this on my papers is substantial. After reading Grauman's paper on receiving feedback, I can tell that I have not learned from the feedback I have received due to the fact that I've received those comments multiple times. Hence, sheds light on the importance of the 4 steps that Grauman outlines.

Going forward, I want to be more aware of my writing and the feedback I receive on my papers. Yes, no one likes to be wrong or to be critiqued, but critique does not mean that you are a bad writer. Critiques are there to aid you in becoming a stronger and more persuasive writer.

Writing is a lifelong skill, as is receiving and responding to feedback. I'm very interested in applying the lessons of Grauman and applying the techniques to my own writing. I believe that it is important to remind yourself, when receiving feedback, is that we all have different levels of writing but we are all working on them.