Annotated Bibliography

UWP001 Annotated Bibliography


Making an annotated bibliography is a very beneficial experience for any researcher. It's a process that gives the researcher insight to studies that have been done regarding your topic. This was a beneficial experience for my literature review and I used a lot of the information I got out of it to help write my literature review. Never skip out on an annotated bibliography!

Edits to the Annotated Bibliography

While making this annotated bibliography I struggled with establishing a connection between the sources and my topic. Either the sources I found did not have specific information I was looking for or any of the sources discussed broad or general topics. I really had to analyze each source individually and break down how each related to my topic. The suggestion of including "I" statements really provided me insight into how I could use each source in my research. I learned that my research can be improved by taking a holistic approach when addressing my topic. I will then be able to analyze all the individual parts, such as specific examples, to connect that with my main thesis or to answer my research question.

What I found interesting is that by making an annotated bibliography, I'm able to really use all my sources. I remember that in prior research, if I didn't make an annotated bibliography, I would just use some of the information I found from google and would just cite the source. By analyzing the entirety of the sources I used, I'm able to learn and understand the entirety of the research that has already been conducted on similar research.