Mrs. LaCoste
5th Grade Math & Science
I am so excited to be your 5th grade teacher. We are going to have a spectacular year and learn so many things together!
Make sure you read the Parent/Student Handbook and sign the signature page and send back to school by August 20. Please send this is ASAP, the office needs it.
If you are interested in a chaperone opportunity for the Kennedy Space Center field trip in December, please complete the Parent Volunteer Application online. Go to the Elementary page, then to forms and documents. Paperwork is due 8/27/24 and deposit is due 8/30/24
Open House will be on Wednesday, August 28 beginning at 6:00pm and ending at 7:00pm. There will be an informational meeting for the Kennedy Space Center field trip right after at 7:00pm in the 4/5 Gym.
Progress Monitoring #1 begins the week of August 26th with ELA. Math will be the following week.