Remote Learning Resources

School Health Policy During Covid-19 Pandemic:

The school office (618-495-2246) or the principal (Beth Boester 618-322-3344) is to be contacted immediately should you be notified that someone in your household has tested positive or potentially been exposed to COVID-19 with an explanation of the circumstances as this helps us take appropriate measures in response.

Failure to disclose this information potentially puts the entire school community at risk.

We all want to be in school so that requires us to do our part to keep the school setting safe.

Parents must screen children at home each morning prior to arrival at school. Once students arrive at school, screening will occur again. Please do not leave the school parking lot until your child has passed through the screening process.

  1. Temperature must be below 100.4 for the past 24 hours without the use of any fever-reducing medication

  2. If ANY of the following symptoms have been present in the past 24 hours, the student should remain at home. If symptoms occur while at school, the child will be sent home:

    1. Fever at or above 100.4

    2. Sore Throat

    3. Headache

    4. Unexplained aches/pains

    5. Loss of taste or smell

    6. Cough

    7. Sinus congestion and/or drainage

    8. Diarrhea

    9. Difficulty breathing

  3. If anyone in the household has tested positive for Covid-19 or been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, student should remain at home.

  4. If any household member has been tested and is awaiting results from this testing, student should remain at home until results are received.

  5. If any household member should receive a positive test result for Covid-19:

    1. The school must be notified as soon as possible,

    2. The student must be immediately picked up if at school

    3. It is recommended that the student also be tested.

    4. Student will quarantine for the time specified by the health department according to the situation and its particular details.

    5. A letter of release from quarantine will be required for the student to return to school. This letter from the health department must be received prior to returning to school.

Intentionally ignoring or not following this protocol means you are jeopardizing the safety of all.

Information we have received from the Clinton County Health Department:

In the case of a positive test, staff/student must remain at home during quarantine of a positive individual plus an additional recommended 14 days after the positive person's quarantine ended.

We recommend student get tested if they had close contact with positive Covid case. This will help with decision making of remaining students and school as a whole. The outcome of this test may actually result in student being able to return a few days sooner than if not tested.

Guidelines are subject to change with ongoing release of new information and recommendations by the health department.

All other current screening criteria by CDC and ADH will be used to assess eligibility for entrance and/or reentrance to school.

IDPH Guidelines

July 2021

We are planning on returning to school with in-person instruction. At this time, those who are not fully vaccinated against Covid-19 will be required to wear a mask and care is being taken to ensure students are socially distancing as allowable to keep everyone safe. A symptom checklist will be given to parents to confirm that students show no signs of COVID-19. Temperatures will be checked upon arrival each day.

To reduce in-person contact, we are utilizing online registration again this year. The initial phase of online registration is now ready for access to parents. Once you log in to TeacherEase, you will be prompted to fill out the information sheet and pay your registration fees if not already paid. This may seem like a lot of data to fill in, but the process should get easier as we move forward. This is the same data that we ask you to review each year. If you have paid in person, don't worry, this will be applied to your account. If you would rather pay in the office than online, you may do so.

We are still in the process of setting up the ability to accept lunch and tuition payments online. At this time, we are anticipating that lunches will be free again this year. You may call the office to schedule a time to come in and pay in person if necessary. We hope this eventually streamlines the registration and payment process. We do thank you for your patience.

On August 18, each family will report to school to meet with their child's teacher and drop off student supplies and head over to church for opening chapel. Thursday and Friday will be half days. Students should arrive between 8:00 and 8:15 with dismissal at 11:30 am. Lunch will not be served on those two days.

Monday, August 23 will begin regular hours. Students should arrive between 8:00 and be ready for class to begin by 8:15 each day. Common areas will be sanitized on a regular basis to ensure safety.

Teachers will be taking time and care to instruct students on the importance of handwashing, mask wearing, and social distancing as appropriate and necessary. Time will also be devoted to using our technology and how to access class resources as well as basic troubleshooting on devices. This is done proactively in the case of a return to remote learning. We are very excited about getting back into the classroom and learning again.