Heather Childress -Kindergarten

Upcoming Dates

November 23-27 - Thanksgiving Break

December 7 - Sing at Advent service

December 18 - Christmas program

December 19-21 - Christmas Dress up and Activity Days

December 22 - January 3 - Christmas Break

I received my degree from Concordia University in Chicago. I taught first and second grade for one year. Then moved to a daycare setting for four years where I taught prekindergarten and kindergarten. In 2004, after the birth of my second child I took time off to raise my children. When my youngest turned three, I started working part time in daycare again. God called me to teaching here at Trinity in 2012. I started in prekindergarten. I was there for six years. When the kindergarten teacher retired in 2018, I transitioned to kindergarten. It has been a dream of mine to teach kindergarten here at Trinity. I am so thankful that God saw fit to fulfill that dream.

Kindergarten Class Amazon Wishlist: https://tinyurl.com/tlskwishlist

Mrs. Heather Childress