Trinity Times Newsletter

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If you open the Trinity Times Newsletter in a New Window, you will be able to view it easier.  The menu is included in it as well.  

Trinity Times Newsletters:




As we approach the opening chapel for this school year, we are excited to be making plans for our students to return.  Our theme for this is Psalm 100:5 For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is still open and available for preschool through eighth grade. If you sent in your intent to return form, your child is registered for this year.  Please stop in the office,  update information, and make tuition payment arrangements as necessary. Please call ahead for an appointment if possible.  Medical forms are available in the office as needed

The school supply list, dress code,  and calendar are being included in this mailing for your convenience as you begin preparing for the new school year. 

We have received our ITBS testing results.  Your child’s scores are included in this mailing.  One of the easiest ways to interpret the results is to look at the GE (Grade Equivalent) score.  For example, if your child was in 3rd grade, he or she took the test in the 8th month, so scoring at grade level would be 3.8.  If that child scored 4.5, it would be average for a 4th grade, 5th month child’s score on the test that child took.  If you need more explanation, don’t hesitate to call.  

 Please share our school with anyone looking for a Christian environment for their children.  We will be happy to talk with them and schedule a visit. We are excited to be able to share God’s Word and His love with our students and families each and every day. We are so thankful to God who continues to provide for His people through each of you. Please continue to pray for our students and staff as we begin the 2024 – 2025 school year. 

Blessings on your week,

Beth Boester

Please Turn in to the office:


Arrival and Departure

Extended Care:  Before and After School Extended Care is available from 7:15 - 8:00 am and 3:15 - 4:15 pm at a cost of $0.50/qrtr hour for those parents who need to drop off students early or pick up their children later due to work schedules. Statements will be sent out monthly.  Students should enter through the Southwest Doors by the gym prior to 8:00. After school, students may be picked up at the South Middle Door by the cafeteria.  Breakfast items are available at no charge for students attending Extended Care.  

Communication Methods:


Lunches are $2.90 each and include one milk.  Tickets may be purchased in quantities of 10 or 20 at a time. If your child wants an additional milk, it is available at $0.35 per carton. Milk cards are available in multiples of 10 or 20 milks.  

Parent Teacher League

 Everyone is a member of the Parent Teacher League! We need your help with planning our fundraisers and events for the year.  It takes everyone’s volunteer time to make our school the success it is!  Come and make a difference in your child’s education. 

September 17   Ice Cream Social and PTL Meeting   Join us for fellowship and fun as we begin the new school year with our first PTL event.  

Chapel shirts  One shirt for your child is included in your registration fees. Please plan on allowing room for growth, as your child will wear this on Wednesdays throughout the school year!  Additional shirts are available for purchase. Be sure to fill out an order form and return it with payment for extra shirts by August 18.  

Sports Update:  Practices for Cross Country, Baseball, and Softball are starting up!  Be sure to have a current physical on file with your school office before beginning practice.  Join the Team Reach App for each sport for more information. 

Cross Country:   Coach James Kuper

Practices beginning the end of July

Baseball: 137946

Practices start July 8th (Coach Todd Peppenhorst)  

Softball: Defendersoftball24 

Practices start July 8th (Coach Linda Kleiboeker and Assistant Coach Don Ford) 

Cheerleading:  defendercheer2425 

Open gyms beginning in July (Coach Ciera Cain)

Trinity Hoffman joins with Trinity Centralia, and Trinity Hoyleton for most of our 5th - 8th grade sports.   Our next Co-op Board Meeting will be on August 5th at 5 PM at Trinity, Hoffman. If you would like to coach or be an assistant, please plan to attend the meeting.  Thank you for supporting our sports program!  

 Additional ways you can help support Trinity Lutheran School

·  Drop off needed items such as napkins, small disposable drinking cups, case of water, ream of copy paper, small snack size baggies, trash bags.

·  Drop off Snack Items: Graham Crackers, gold fish, whole grain, cheez its, whole grain. Teddy Grahams, pretzels, Scooby Snacks, low sugar granola bars, all items must be plain, no cinnamon please.

·  Invite others to attend church and our school.

·  Donate to our scholarship fund so young families can afford to attend Trinity.

·  Casey’s - Make an impact in your community by turning your points into a donation to Trinity.

·  Recycle Ink Cartridges and old cell phones (turn in to the school office)                                     

·  Scan your receipts for Box Tops for Education (download the app first)

·  Order Scrip Gift Cards – Order forms available in office or call and tell us what you want!

·  Designate your Thrivent Choice Dollars to Trinity

·  Use your Escrip card at Schnucks


Trinity Lutheran School

8701 Huey Rd  PO Box 200

Hoffman, IL  62250



PTL Auction Amazon

The Trinity Times Newsletter will be printed the last Friday of the month and sent home with students. 

Be sure to read your Friday classroom note. You may continue to check in here for updates throughout the month.