Newsletters - Monthly

 Trinity Lutheran Church

May  2020 Newsletter


Trinity Lutheran Church and School

P.O. Box #200, 8700 Huey Road, Hoffman, IL 62250  

Pastor: Rev Mark Hofferber

Church: 495-2545     Cell: 618-335-9549

Pastor’s Office: 

Church Office:

Beth Boester, Principal:  School: 495-2246 

Principal’s Office:     

School Office:        

Church and School Website:

Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School: 226-3315 

Don Duensing, Principal

CORLHS Website: 



6:00 PM   Saturday

8:30 AM  Sunday

10:00 am Sunday Bible Class and Sunday School



May 11  6:30 PM            School Board; 7:00 PM Trustees

May 12  7:30 PM            Elders (Zoom Meeting) 

May 23                         Newsletter Deadline



May 3:    Acts 2:42-47; 1 Peter 2:19-25; John 10:1-10

May 10:  Acts 6:1-9; 7:2a, 51-60; 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14

May 19:  Acts 17:16-31; 1 Peter 3:13-22; John 14:15-21

May 26:  Acts 1:12-26; 1 Peter 4:12-19; 5:6-11; John 17:1-11

May 31:  Numbers 11:24-30; Acts 2:1-21; John 7:37-39

If you are anything like me, you’re probably anxious to get back into church. As a pastor with a new congregation, this has been especially frustrating to me. It seems that just as I was being able to put names and faces together and the church started to get on a roll, along comes the Covid-19 virus and the shelter in place order is handed down by the governor and life as we all knew it grounded to a halt. And I am as anxious as you are to get back into worship and begin gathering together as the people of God here at Trinity Lutheran Church and School. I’m anxious to start receiving God’s gifts in the Word and the Sacraments.

 But I’m also cognizant of the fact that we in the church may be heading for a “new normal.” I have no idea what that looks like and what that means for our church going forward but I trust that God is in control and He will be walking hand in hand with us and leading us in times of fear and uncertainty. Life may be scary for us at times but we must remind ourselves that Jesus is our Good Shepherd who always takes care of us.

And in the midst of this time of fear and uncertainty, God still provides His good gifts that He gives to us. So I am thankful for some positive things that have come out of this time of pandemic. First of all, I am thankful for God’s gift of technology. This shelter in place time has allowed us to move very rapidly in our plan of upgrading our technology at church and school.

I am thankful that we are now live-streaming our services both on Facebook and YouTube. It’s certainly been a process that we have had to learn on the fly through trial and error. I am thankful for all the people who gather around their televisions, computers, tablets and phones to hear God’s Word. I am thankful for all those who listen to our daily devotions at 10 a.m. Monday through Friday. Rest assured, these are things that will continue to take place even after the shelter in place order is lifted. We have been given extra opportunities to share God’s Word and I am thankful for all of you who have opened your homes and hearts to God’s Word.

I am especially thankful to Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis for granting us a technology grant of $5000 to help us improve live streaming our services. What began in March with an iPhone and Kristi recording our worship services has become more of a team effort involving a webcam (if you see Caroline Boehne out and about tell what a great job she does running the camera) and Ruth Boehne playing hymns on the organ, Curtis Boehne and Cindy Spenner leading the singing and Mike Luebbers running the sound for our live-streaming. We have a team dedicated to making our live stream worship services the best they can be during this “new normal” of worshipping online.

On Tuesday, April 28 I signed up for a webinar sponsored by Concordia Technology Solutions (which is part of Concordia Publishing House) titled Church Communications Strategy Course. Every Tuesday through June 9 there will be a different webinar on church communications. Here is the schedule:

#1 - Ministry Goals: Defining Your Purpose

#2 - Persona Profiles: Understanding Your Audience

#3 - Journey Maps: Planning Your Ideal Path

#4 - Content Maps: Aligning Your Messages

#5 - Social Media: Establishing Your Outposts

#6 - Church Websites: Creating Your Homebase

#7 - Campaigns: Scheduling Your Communications

I look forward to sharing what I have learned from these webinars and am thankful that I have time in the office to work on future plans for Trinity Lutheran Church and School. But I am looking forward to that day when the shelter in place order is lifted and I can start feeling like a pastor again who is able to go out and visit his members.

We have a new phone system in the church office and new copiers both in the school and the church at a substantially lower cost than what we were previously paying. We are still on track to have upgraded fiber optic internet installed at both church and school this summer. This will be a tremendous blessing to our ministry.

My point of sharing all this is there are some great things happening right now at Trinity Lutheran Church and School even during this pandemic and time of fear and uncertainty. God continues to bless our congregation in wonderful ways. And even though we have not been able to worship together in the building, we are still worshiping and hearing God’s Word. And because of the resurrection, we still have what St. Peter calls in 1 Peter a “living hope.” Hope for our eternal salvation and hope that we have been through the worst of this pandemic. Life will get better, folks. Stay safe and stay in the Word.


Blessings in Christ,                                                                              

Pastor Mark 


Keep them in your prayers and let them know you are thinking about them.

Jackie Bassen, Randall Knolhoff, Marilyn Michael, Dean Paulsmeyer, Bernice Terry, Bernice Wessel, Lucille Knolhoff, Dennis Abernathy, Diane Rueter, Alfred Burmeister, and Eunice Carroll  

Welcome to May!  It looks much different than it ever has in the past. The school building may be empty, but the learning opportunities abound. The teachers and students are continuing to work remotely.  Friday, May 1st is the day to pick up the final round of assignments for the school year.  End of year projects are being completed and the close of the school year is close at hand.  Normally, we would be counting down the days until we say goodbye for the summer; instead, we are counting up the number of days we have not been able to say hello in person or greet one another in the hallways each morning.  Going in to the school now has an unnerving feel to it.  We are looking forward to the day when everyone can come back.  We are making plans for what the end of year ceremonies will look like.  Preschool graduation, awards night,, 8th grade graduation, and closing chapel will most likely be in the form of video tributes utilizing either Zoom or Facebook Live.  We will keep everyone posted through our morning messages and Sunday Services.

Through these last few weeks, we have all seen a lot of changes, been asked to make a lot of changes, and support one another through these changes.  It has not been easy to move from regular classroom instruction to remote learning. We were notified on Friday, March 13  at 3:40, just after the students left, that we would not be returning to the classroom.  We were to begin teaching remotely on Monday, March 16.  Initially, we prepared materials through the end of March.  Then the mandated stay at home order was extended and we prepared materials for the first half of April, and then the last half of April, and now for May.  The teachers have been doing an amazing job of creating learning opportunities for the students, staying in contact with the students and families, and encouraging one another.  The support of the congregation has also been very encouraging and uplifting.  The comments received during and after the morning messages really mean a lot.  These are trying times for us all.  We thank you all for your support.  As you go through these next few weeks, ponder on God’s word and find His comfort.  

Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28

In His Service,

Mrs. Boester

Registration for 2020-2021 is now Available!

If you are ready to register for 2020-2021 or know of someone interested in registering at Trinity, please call the school office and we will schedule an appointment.  

How can you help support Trinity Lutheran School?

Just a few reminders:

Join us on Facebook for Morning Messages at 10 am Monday through Friday:  Facebook - Trinity Lutheran Church - Hoffman, IL 


May  3 :   “I Am the Good Shepherd”  John 10:1-10

May 10:   “I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life”  John 14:1-14

May 17:   “Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit”   John 14:15-21

May 24:   “The High Priestly Prayer”  John 17:1-11

May 31:   “Rivers of Living Water”    John 7:37-39 

CONFIRMATION:  God’s Richest Blessings to this year’s 8th grade confirmation class.

Carly Foster, Elise Johnston, Amelia Kleiboeker, Reagan Pingsterhaus, and Molly Sill who will be confirmed on Sunday, June 7th.  Confirmation has been rescheduled for June 7 at 8:30 a.m. in hopeful anticipation that we will be able to gather together for worship again. Questioning night will be May 31 at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary and it will be a private event just for the confirmands and their family and friends.

Jesus says “Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven” (Matthew 10:32).   Please keep these new confirmands in your prayers.

Do you need a pick me up during this time of quarantine? If you do, Trinity has something just for you. Our own Eli Palm has donated cd’s of his original piano music and they are available for pick up in the narthex. Swing by church this week and pick a copy and hear some of his inspiring music. Or you can call Pastor Mark and he will personally deliver a copy to your porch. Thank you Eli for thinking of our members during this difficult time.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  help is needed in folding the newsletters.  It happens one day per month.  If you can help, please contact Church office 495-2545. 

 THE HEARTS FOR HONDURAS 3 ON 3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT is rescheduled for June 6-7. Get your registrations in for these opportunities to raise money for our Honduras and play some games at the same time. There will be an adult division (high school and up) and a youth division (grade school 5-8). Cost is $50 per team. Please email Pastor Mark at or text him at 618-335-9549.

THE HEARTS FOR HONDURAS CO-ED VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT is still on the schedule for June 27-28. Registration is now open. Cost is $10 per person and teams can have a maximum of eight players.

HONDURAS MISSION TRIP: We have a sponsor willing to match dollar for dollar up to $2800 for a total of $5600. Also, one of the biggest problems at the orphanage is boredom. Because of this, our group is planning to have a day at the beach on Saturday and will be providing the bus transportation and lunch as well. Please consider donating for this as your donation will be matched. Thank you Trinity for your generosity.   

2019 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS are ready and are located in the Narthex.  Please pick up your statement. If you have any questions, please contact Deb Lueking (618-204-1775) or Sheila Holston (618-322-5776).                                         

STERLING EVENING DINNER & AUCTION: is cancelled at this time.  Please watch the bulletin for future updates.


JUNE 15th – 19th 

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL:  Rainforest Explorers  where “Jesus Leads the Way!”  VBS is June 15-19.  If you would like to help, please contact Angie Redeker at (618) 292-4780.  Registration for students will be available soon. Watch for updates in the bulletin.   

CHURCH NEWSLETTER DEADLINE:  The deadline for the June/July church newsletter is Tuesday morning, May 26.   Thank you! 

1st: Sandy Krumrey;  2nd: Steven Spenner;  4th: Natasha Kauling;  5th: Julie Maschhoff;   6th: Sean Bessire, Marlene Maschhoff,;  7th: Alan Hohman, Doug Lueking, Eleanor Rueter;  8th: Jean Brink;  9th: Charles Richison;  10th: Adriel Duensing, Avery Finley;  11th:MacKinzie Kleiboeker;  12th: Hadley Simpson;  13th: Doris Huelsman; 14th: Jeremy Johnston; 15th: Debora Taylor;  16th: Sherry Wessel;  17th: Bridget Gilbreth, Bill Kleiboeker, Alexis Livesay, Reid Michael; 19th: Bryn Rueter, Jana Rueter, Joni Steinkamp;  20th: Grant Brinkmann, Leah Edler, Leroy Fruend, Linda Hanke;  22nd: Ethan Anderson, Kris Persing, Isabella Spittler;  23rd: Mabron Spittler;  24th: Dennis Lueking;  26th: Christopher Campbell, Donald Hohman, William Kleiboeker, Marilyn Rueter;  27th: Jacob Kampwerth, Max Kleiboeker, Robert Zimmermann;  28th:Jon Behrens, Michael Brinkman, Holly Mollet;  29th: Blake Kleiboeker;  30th: Carla Knolhoff;  31st: Nathan Ellis

1st Craig and Tina Boehne, Charles and Ruth Richison;  8th: Jack and Dana Zvonar;  9th: Stanley and Carol Stein;  15th: Brian and Angelique Atchison;  17th: Kris and Sara Reeder;  20th: Kyle and Jessica Benhoff;  23rd: (5th)Deon and Julie Littrell;  25th: Tim and Laura Draves, Doug and Sheila Lueking;  26th:Ken and Val Smith;  27th: (20th)Jason and Anita Herzing