
ENROLLMENT FOR 2024-2025  

 New Family Registration

Our Mission:  We will prepare our students to be responsible members of the Christian community, equipped with the knowledge and skill to live as powerful, forgiven witnesses of Christ and His love.

·         Trinity Lutheran School was established in 1875 to educate youth in the Christian faith.

·         Trinity offers classes for students from 3-year old preschool through 8th Grade.

·         Our students are grouped into Prayer Families and meet regularly for faith activities.

·         Trinity offers the following sports through our Defenders Cooperative joining our students in Christian fellowship with Trinity Centralia and Trinity Hoyleton:  Boys and Girls Basketball, Cheerleading, Volleyball, Baseball, Softball, and Cross Country.

·         Trinity offers the following extra-curricular activities as well:  1st & 2nd Grade Little Eagles Basketball, 3rd – 5th Grade Pee Wee Basketball, Track, and Scholar Bowl.

·         Trinity is able to keep tuition affordable to families in our community.  While the cost per student is approximately $8500, we offer discounts to members and other Lutheran families reducing the amount each family pays.

·         Trinity is also able to provide additional Scholarship funds to families needing assistance.

·         The congregation supports the school, making up the difference between the tuition paid and the cost per student. 

·         Trinity’s students in 7th & 8th grade have created and maintained a Prayer Garden over the past nine years as a service to the congregation, school, and community.

·         Trinity students have chapel each Wednesday morning at 8:45. You are welcome to join us!

·         Thank you to all who support our school and in turn, its youth, by providing a place to nurture knowledge and faith.

  2024-2025 Tuition Rates: 

o   Non-member rate:  $2925 

o   Other LCMS members:  $2075

o    Trinity Member rate:  $1750

Registration Fees:  Preschool $50.00        K-8 $150.00

Preschool Classes are 8:15 to 11:15 Monday through Friday.  Cost is $150.00 per month.  

 If you are interested in registering or have more questions, please contact the school office:  (618)495-2246. tlshoffice@trinityhoffman.org Thank you!

 Enrollment Information for Trinity Lutheran School - Hoffman, IL

We are making preparations for the 2023-2024 year. Registration is currently available.

 For more information, please call the school office. (618)495-2246

Registration fees per the following schedule:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Pre-K                  K-8

Registration/book fees for each student:                    $50                    $150                                                    


New Families may request enrollment information below. 

 New Family Registration

Tuition Rates for the 2023-2024 School Year are:

Tuition for 1/2 day Preschool:    5 days/week  $150/month

               Grades K-8                             1st Child             2nd & 3rd Child                  4th Child 

 Non-Lutherans                                   $ 2900                      $1450.00                      N/C

 Other LCMS Members                      $ 2050                       $1025.00                      N/C    

  Trinity Members                              $ 1725                       $862.50                        N/C


For the 2022-2023 school year these Four choices of payment for tuition are offered:

1. Monthly over 9 months  (1st payment due September 1, 2023 - last payment due May 1, 2024)

2. Monthly over 12 months (1st payment due June 1, 2023 - last payment due May 1, 2024)

3. Quarterly (please remit payment at the beginning of each quarter)

4. Yearly (you receive a $25.00 discount if you pay all tuition at registration or before August 18, 2023)

Also continuing for the 2023-2024 School year Trinity Lutheran school offers a one-time 7.5% referral credit toward tuition for both a new family and the family that referred them to our school. For more information, you may call the school office (618)495-2246.

Financial Assistance:

With the Lord’s Blessings,

Beth Boester, Principal    

School Supply List 2023-2024

*crayons, scissors, and pencils are supplied by the school* 


**crayons, scissors and pencils are supplied by the school** 

Grades 1 & 2 

1.  Pencils

2.  paper towels 

3. 1 boxes of Kleenex 

4. 1 container of anti-bacterial Clorox wipes 

5. 1 container of baby wipes 

6. 12 glue sticks 

7.1 bottle of liquid glue

8. Paint shirt 

9. Gym shoes (non-marking soles) 

10. headphones 

11. 1 Ream of Copy Paper

12. 1 reusable water bottle

13. 2 Boxes of Snack Bags

14. 2 of the following (Teddy Grahams, or graham crackers - (no Cinnamon), Pretzels, or Whole Grain Goldfish)

Please don’t purchase art supplies or supply boxes - I have these for the students already 

Grades 3 & 4 

*** Please don’t purchase art supplies or supply boxes - I have these for the students already (Grades 3,4,5,6). 

Grades 5 & 6 

1. Paint shirt - a big tee shirt is perfect 

2. Gym shoes to be kept at school 

3. Crayola crayons (no bigger than 48 count box)

4. Crayola markers

5. Scissors 

6. White glue 

7. Kleenex (3 boxes) 

8. Paper towels – 2 rolls 

9.Small envelopes - 2 boxes

10. Red Pens ( whole package of cheap, Bic pens) 

11.Pencils (don't buy ones with a plastic coating, they 

don't go through pencil sharpener well) 

12. Erasers 

13.1 spiral notebook for Math 

14..Headphones or earbuds for computer 

15. Something to keep you organized. It can be a 

notebook, folders, or an expandable folder. 

16. 1 Ream of Copy Paper

17. 1 water bottle

18. 2 Clorox wipes 

Don’t purchase  supply boxes - I have these for the students already.

Don’t purchase school supplies that look like toys. They will be sent home.

BACKPACKS NEED TO FIT IN LOCKERS. The kids don’t need rolling backpacks.

Grades 7 & 8

 1. 2 boxes tissues 

2. 2 rolls of paper towels

3. 1 pair of PE shoes to stay at school 

4. 5 single subject notebooks 

5. Box of Crayola crayons

6. Box of Crayola markers

7. 1 bottle of liquid glue

8. 4 pencils with erasers 

9. Box of bandaids

10. Wide lined loose leaf notebook paper

11. Pencil box

12. Daily planner

13. 1 pair of earbuds or headphones for computer

14. 2 pocket file folders 

15.  1 container anti-bacterial Clorox wipes 

16.  1 pair scissors 

17. 1 black or blue ink pen 

18. 1 Ream of Copy Paper

19.. 1 water bottle

20. 1 calculator (preferably TI-30xIIS) 

Backpacks must fit in the locker.

** If at all possible label all your child's 

belongings! Thanks! ** 

Our school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, disability, age, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, hiring practices, and athletic and other school-sponsored programs.