Parent Teacher League (PTL)
PTL News
All parents are members of our Parent Teacher League! Come to our meetings and be a part of your child's education.
2024-2025 Officers:
President and Auction Organizer: Kristen Schmitt
Secretary: Motika Brammeier Treasurer: Keshia Gray
Annual Events:
Back to School Picnic Christmas Craft Day Family Game Night PTL Advent Meal Trunk or Treat
Ice Cream Social Jump Rope For Heart Family Reading Night PTL Lenten Meal Family Puzzle Night
Fazoli's Dinners PTL Valentine's Dinner and Auction Battery Paks
Pastries Christmas Believe Kids Catalog

PTL News
All parents are members of our Parent Teacher League! Come to our meetings and be a part of your child's education.
2022-2023 Officers:
Secretary: Motika Brammeier Treasurer: Keshia Gray
Auction Organizer: Kristen Schmitt
Thank you to everyone who attended the recent Ice Cream Social and Hot Air Balloon Walk.
Little Caesar's Orders should be in the week of October 11th!!!
Fazoli's Dinner is scheduled for October 20th from 4 - 7 pm.
All Parents are members of our Parent Teacher League (PTL). You are invited to attend all PTL Meetings and School Events. We always welcome your ideas, suggestions and willingness to help out! Together, we make this school a better place for our students!
Auction Planning is underway! Watch for more news!
We need your help!
This year's offices of President, Vice President, and Treasurer are currently open for you! Please consider serving the school in this capacity.
Secretary: Motika Brammeier
Profit from Little Caesar's Fundraiser: $756.00 Profit from Fazoli's Dinner: $1801.50
Parent Teacher League
October 14 Family Game Night Outdoors - Join us for fun, fellowship and food before the Pee Wee Basketball Game (@ Hoffman) and Fall Volleyball Game (@ Centralia). We will share our PTL information and upcoming opportunities to make a difference! Be sure to register to win an attendance prize. The class with the best representation will get a reward also!
September 7 Ice Cream Social and PTL Meeting Join us for fellowship and fun as we begin the new school year with our first PTL event. Everyone is a member of the Parent Teacher League! We need your help with planning our fundraisers and events for the year. It takes everyone’s volunteer time to make our school the success it is! Come and make a difference in your child’s education. Congratulations to the 7th/8th Grade class for having the best attendance! They really enjoyed their cookie party.