


 STEAMは科学、技術、工学、芸術、数学の頭文字をとった略語で(Artを含めない場合も多いです)、STEAM Educationは、理工系科目を教科横断的に扱おうとする新しい教育運動です(わが国では広がりを見せていませんが)。2016(平成28)年にスタートした本研究室は、機械工学科に属する4年生で教職希望者のみ配属を許される、少数精鋭の研究室です。

STEAM is the acronym which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. All members of this lab apply the multi-dimensional approach for each research interests, such as (1) Focusing on the golden ratio in terms of mathematics, art, or ergonomics, and developing its educational material using Origami, (2) Developing a succor football analytical system based on the score data, (3) Based on the Froebel Gifts, developing a series of experiential activities which enhance infants mathematical sense, (4) Handling the unresolved mathematics issues in the information education, (5) In response to the newly established compulsory school (2016-), reconstructing the systematic orders of teaching materials of mathematics education, (6) Focusing of the “Zest for Living” which shall be effective in the urgent situation, and (7) Building up a resistance-free plane, the reproductive trial of the linear motion in the introduction of mechanics. Anybody who has the interest in this field is welcome to participate in our seminar.

大辻 永 教授

STEAM Education