Grace Welcome Center Archive
How did we get here?
On April 23rd 2022, Pastor Jonathan Barker (Co Founder and Pastor of the Grace Welcome Center) shared the history of the GWC with 7th and 8th grade students at Harborside Academy. He concluded his talk with a challenge for the students. He asked them to help record and celebrate their 5 year history!! What resulted is this website, "Grace Welcome Center Archive" which was on display at Grace Welcome Center's 5 year anniversary celebration on May 13th 2022.
From 2017 to now, Grace Welcome Center has evolved, adapted, and changed to their surroundings and the ways that they best serve their community. Grace Welcome Center's mission is a simple one, " We exist to provide a warm and caring place that nourishes the body and spirit" From when they started, with 6 guests and one coffee pot, to now, serving over 150 families a week, and a projected 1,000,000 pounds of food into the community in 2022 the Grace Welcome Center have welcomed their neighbors in many ways.
Throughout the pandemic, the need for proper nutritional foods grew by leaps and bounds and the Grace Welcome Center was ready to meet those demands. As the need grew, so did the Grace Welcome Center. From walk-in freezers to giving out vaccines, this place for the community has stretched and extended boundaries to help better their community and people. And they aren't at any stopping point now! The Grace Welcome Center is only getting started, soon they will be skyrocketing among Kenosha, and be branching out even further. This website records that journey. The amazing history of Grace Welcome Center helps you understand who they are as leaders in the community and how they will bring their cause to a new future. You will find summaries and resources from various events within each of the pages of the years of their journey, as well as, a special "Student Projects For GWC" page which highlights the many ways students of KUSD have connected with this special place.
Written By: Adelynn Bergendahl 7th Grade at Harborside Academy (May 2022)