Sustained Investigation #3

How can I explore perception by illustrating themes of growing up?

Sustained Investigation #3

No One Understands Me!

8.5" by 8.5"

Materials: oil pastels, Blick fine point pens, multi-media paper

Process Images:

Artist's Statement:

Jillian Wight


AP Art and Design 

31 October 2022

With this piece, I wanted to explore cliche teenage perceptions of life.  I focused on the phrase “no one understands me,” because I think it’s a little comical but also a feeling many people often have.  I wanted the imagery to reflect the title, so I depicted something I visualize when thinking about things I want, sort of a lense that I used to view my life.  I think the viewer can relate or not, understand or not, and that is part of the fun!  They can compare their perception to mine, and through that the idea that most of us don't really understand each other will have kind of a unifying effect.

I used oil pastels because I wanted to continue stepping out of my comfort zone.  The material doesn’t offer me a whole lot of control, but it’s really fun to use and I’m starting to feel really comfortable with it.  I think the soft lines convey this dreamlike quality that separates the piece from reality and connects it to the spiritual theme.  I also like portraying ideas of youth using bright colors to reflect childhood.

I wasn’t sure how to compose this piece, because I wanted to illustrate a visualization I have.  After some sketching, I decided the best approach was a continuous narrative, and I think this gives the piece a very spiritual quality and makes me think of how icons in a lot of East Asian and ancient religions are portrayed.  The circular composition was intended to emphasize the idea of a mind’s eye, which I hope will be effective!

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