Joe Bornstein Arrive Alive Creative Competition

Arrive alive!.mov

Joe Bornstein Arrive Alive Creative Competition

Arrive alive don't text and drive!

2" by 1"

Materials: felt-tip pen

Artist's Statement:

Jillian Wight


AP Art and Design 

28 April 2023

For this piece, I was prompted to create something that conveyed the importance of driving without distraction and without the use of dangerous substances.  I wanted to try something I don’t usually do, so I created a short and simple stop-motion animation!  I focused specifically on non-distracted driving.  As inspiration for my video, I drew upon my own thoughts when I am tempted to look at my phone while behind the wheel: is checking this notification worth missing out on all the good things I haven’t experienced yet in life?

To create my animation, I used printer paper as well as black and gray felt tip pens.  Since the project was a little complicated and out of my comfort zone, I chose to use simple colors.  I originally planned to just use black and white, but found gray added some nice dimension.  

Originally, I had planned to create a flipbook, however, after experimenting with the idea, I found it would be hard to achieve the level of complexity I wanted using this method.  I also played around with cutting out small pieces to avoid redoing an entire frame with just a slight difference, and I’m really happy with the results!

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