Exquisite Corpse Gelli Print

Exquisite Corpse Gelli Print


Approx. 9" by 12"

Materials: BLICK fine-point pen, gel pen, Sharpie fine-point pen, Staedtler markers, printing ink

Artist's Statement:

Jillian Wight


AP Art and Design

20 September 2022

For this piece, I was prompted to combine a gelli print with an exquisite corpse drawing. I wasn’t quite sure where to start, but when I created a gelli print with a large handprint in the middle, inspiration struck. I knew that I wanted to include a snakelike figure which was created by the class a few days before. I thought weaving the snake between the fingers of the hand would create interesting visual imagery and an engaging composition. I also wanted to play with perspective and scale a bit, which is why the head of the creature is emphasized.

I used green printmaking ink for my gelli print, because I thought the color was engaging and not too definitive. (I think green can be interpreted a lot of different ways). I then went over the green with black pen to draw my creature. I wanted it to stand out, and I wanted its detail level to contrast with the splotchy background. I then added colors using fine point pens and markers. I thought the yellow created a really interesting complement to the green, and the blue highlighted the creature. I colored in the hand a slightly different yellow so that it would be a little differentiated but not much. I used white gel pen to brighten out some bright brights, and added a little more to the composition using a red fine point pen and engaging motifs.

This piece encouraged me to experiment quite a bit, because typically I like a defined, clear, narrative composition that fills the whole page with a lot of detail. I’m proud of how I stepped out of my comfort zone, but I don’t really like the effect of the piece. I think if I had to do it again I would try to make the snake or hand fill more of the page, to create a little more interest.

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