Foundations Of Art

My strengths in art are definitely the aspects of connecting my art to things that are important to me. i am extremely passionate about my art projects. however, this leads me to struggle in finishing pieces I don't immediately love and be a perfectionist about all of my work. despite struggling with this, my art has definitely improved throughout the course of the year. comparing my work from the beginning of the year, and my recent work, I have definitely improved in making my art my own style, with my own unique ideas and processes to complete it. foundations of art has helped me find more of my own art style, and learn how to better express myself through my art.

Learning in foundations this year has been pretty difficult for me. the assignments weren't easy, and many of them were very difficult for me to complete on time. however, the assignments i did complete did help me improve my art, and explore new mediums i hadn't yet had the opportunity to try. i esspeically enjoyed the sculture projects, and projects that allowed me to paint. the art history and assembelage projects were both personal favorites of mine, as they allowed me quite a bit of freedom to express myself in the way i wanted to, while also using my two favorite mediums.

these two mediums, i also plan to continue working on over the summer. due to being busy with school, i have had very little time to work on my independant artistic endevors. I have also recently found a love for drag, and expressing myself through makeup, so i do plan to continue that over the summer aswell. Art is curtainly something i quite enjoy, and i plan to continue it, and possibly even persue it as a career in the future.