Time Capsule Drawings

Self Portrait


Paper and graphite pencil.

In this piece we were assigned to create a self portrait. I decided to make my self portrait more of a cartoon style. I chose this style because I struggle with knowing what i look like, even with a mirror. So i chose the cartoon style so i could draw myself in a more general way.

for this piece i only used paper and graphite pencil. I started by sketching out the shape of my head and face. When I draw faces I always start with the Eyebrows and ears, as in my experience, it is the best way to Measure the face as a whole. I then added eyes, nose, mouth, and hair to complete the drawing.

Hall way.


Paper and Graphite and pencil

In this piece I hed to go and sit in the school hallway to see the dimension of the hall. I started by sketching opening at the begining of the hall, and bringing out the walls from there. I added the lights, the poster, and the stripes on the floor.



Watercolor paper and graphite pencil

I started by spending about 5 minutes looking for somthing in my room to draw. I found a jar that I wanted to draw. The jar was only about 1-2 inches tall and it was filled with tiny fragments of a crystal called peridot.

I started my sketching the outline of the tiny jar. I added the cork and the base of the jar. I shaded in the shadows and smudged the graphite with my finger to shade it more smoothly.