
The Mutent

Grafite pencil,Colored pencils.


The idea that i had for this piece was to creative a flawed being. A being that could not possibly stay alive on its own, but in my imagination, it can thrive. I wanted to convay the theme of the world you can explore inside your head.

For this drawing I only used grafite and colored pencils. I wanted to show that even with the most simple of art supllies, the creature can be brought to life.

For this piece i started by looking up pictures of four different animals, and thought about the best ways to combine them. The animals I chose where cheeta, bear, pug, and pig. I then sketched out the how i wanted the creature to look. it took a few trys to make the animals connect in a more fluid way, but when I had a shape I was satisfied with, I moved on to coloring it in.