Color Design

Color value strip

11 x 8.5

Acrylic on Canvas

Color Design

11 x 8.5

Acrylic on Canvas

I wanted to draw one of the characters I have, mostly to figure out how light works with his top, cus he has a black tank top with a transparent blue t-shirt and it overlaps in a bunch of ways that look fun and cool in theory but I didn't execute it very well so his arms look really weird and undefined.

I used acrylic paint. I haven't really worked very much with acrylic paint for details or anything except painting walls and stuff

This character has very form-fitting clothing and I am bad at anatomy so that was a struggle, my sketch wasn't good enough basically. I'm having trouble with my works lately where when I make a sketch it's super fun and dynamic but the final piece is stiff and kinda boring. But, it was fun to be able to use and mix a ton of colors, I liked it and I think it was a good exercise in design.