Candy Still Life

2 point perspective, 1 point perspective


Graphite and marker on drawing paper (featuring a random foam sticker)

Shaded Spheres


Colored pencil, watercolor, ink, on watercolor paper

Candy still life

11" x 14"

Colored pencil on watercolor paper

For this project, we analyzed perspective and shadows, along with realism. 

We were encouraged to mix media and use multiple materials on our final Candy Still Life. However, I only used colored pencil for the candy still life. I experimented a lot with hatching and blending, and I think I did end up learning some things, so at least if I try this again it might go better.

I thought it would be a fun challenge to draw a ring pop, since it has interesting ways it interacts with light. It sure was a challenge. Looking back, I should have saved it for last and done some of the other candies in my picture first. Starting with the hardest part made me not want to go back to the project, which is why it is ultimately unfinished.