Break it Apart

Project Description:

This project was about disassembling an object of our choice and making diagrams of it. I chose to take apart a solar cell calculator. By doing this I got to see how the calculator worked part by part. I found that under the calculator buttons lie a membrane which is attached to a processor chip, and from there it get's even more complex by going into several smaller parts. I was able to make a couple different conceptual sketches and a flow chart with my findings as well.

Content: (5 Types of Sketches)

Isometric - Method of graphic representation of three-dimensional objects, used by engineers, technical illustrators, and architects.

Axonometric - Three-dimensional but without perspective.

Oblique - A projective drawing of which the frontal lines are given in true proportions and relations and all others at suitable angles other than 90 degrees without regard to the rules of linear perspective

Perspective - Appears how the human eye sees, parallel lines converge to single point.

Orthographic - Inside a glass box, shows top, side, and bottom views.


In this project I really enjoyed the simplicity and individuality that it gave me, since I'm often doing group projects in this class. I believe that I have applied my critical thinking and conscientious learning skills the best. Taking apart the calculator and deciphering and researching about each and every piece allowed me to use my critical thinking and creativity also applied in my conceptual sketches. My time management was also very much improved in terms of this project and I am confident in my quality of work. Next time I plan on turning in my additional work, such as my reflections and website updates sooner during the process of doing the assignment. Overall I enjoyed this small project.